amount of budget - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

In this connection, reduced requirements in the amount of $897,900,


reflecting the difference between

[...] the previously budgeted amount of the regular budget share and the [...]

revised requirements, would


need to be reflected under section 1 of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013.

因此,所需经费减少 897 900 美元,即先前编入预算的经预算摊 款与 订正所需经费之间的差额,需要在 2012-2013 两年期拟议方案预算第 [...]

1 款中得到反映。

The effects of the economic crisis in the late ’90 has


significantly influenced

[...] the access and quality of health services, due to the reduction of the amount of budget financing for the health care system, which in 2003 represented only [...]

4% of GDP compared to 6.9% in 1996.

1990 年代末发生的经济危机对公共医疗保健服务的普及 和质 量构 严重 影 响,这是因为政府用于医疗保健服务体系 的预 算资 大幅 减少,2003 年医疗保 预算仅占 GDP 的 4%,而 1996 年医疗保健预算占 6.9%。

It should be noted in this regard that

[...] considering the amount of budget required for [...]

the system implementation,1 it has not


been possible so far to identify the totality of these funds within the regular budget, while extrabudgetary contributions requested by the Executive Board and the General Conference have not been forthcoming.

就此应该指出,鉴于实施该系统 需的算 额1 迄今还 不可能确定这些资金全部由正常预算划拨,而执行局和大会要求提供的预算外 [...]


Among the main points examined during this period, the Commission looked at the following topics: consideration of the administrative and financial aspects of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2004-2005 (32 C/5); execution of the programme; budget adjustments authorized within the Appropriation Resolution for 2002-2003; the use of carry-over funds; the reform process; the personnel policy of the Organization; management


of the UNESCO complex, and the UNESCO

[...] fellowships: amount of the budget to be allocated [...]

in 2004-2005 for capacity-building in Member States.

在这一时期审议的主要问题中,委员会工作涉及的主题如下:《2004-2005 年计划与预 算草案》(32


C/5)中涉及行政与财务方面问题的审议、计划的执行、在《2002--2003 年拨款 决议》允许范围内所作预算调整问题、关于结转资金使用问题、改革进程、本组织人事政策

[...] 问题、教科文组织总部楼房的管理问题,以及教科文组织奖学 :2 004--2005 年用于加强会 员国能力建设的算额等。

Previous budgets were prepared on an incremental


basis or were based on a ratio

[...] of staff to the amount of the missions budget, which had no [...]

direct correlation to the risks


that needed to be addressed by the internal audit function.

以前的预算都在递增的基础上编制或者按工 人员 与特 额的 比例 编 制,与需要由内部审计职能处理的风险没有直接的相关性。

Accordingly, the Advisory Committee


recommends an additional

[...] appropriation in the amount of $1,865,500 under the regular budget for the biennium [...]

2010–2011, arising


from the recommendations of the Board (A/C.5/64/2, para. 11).

因此,咨询委员会建议在 2010-2011 两年期常预算项下追因联委会的建议而产生的 1 865 500 美元(A/C.5/64/2,第 11 段)。

The Government of Iraq has committed in writing to provide

[...] funding in the amount of $25 million from its 2009 budget as a contribution [...]

towards the building


of the new UNAMI headquarters.

伊拉克政府以书面承诺自其 2009 年中提 2 500 万美元的资 金,作为对建设新的联伊援助团总部的捐款。

We anticipate that the Government will

[...] report a large amount of surplus in the budget to be unveiled [...]

soon, which will give us a very rare opportunity.

我們估計 政府即將公布的財政算將幅的 盈餘,這是一個難得一遇的機遇。

The Investigations Division currently uses quantifiable measures, including caseload average, the corruption index of the International Country Risk Guide, data from the misconduct tracking system, the


number of uniformed and civilian

[...] personnel, and the amount of approved budget and non-expendable [...]

property, to assess possible risk.


[...] 量、《世界各国风险指南》的腐败指数、违法乱纪行为跟踪系统的数据、军事和 文职人员的量、核定算和 耗性 财产 数量,来 评估 可能的风险。

A considerable amount of the security budget was expended [...]

on two security contracts ($88,240 per year): the first for the


guarding of the BREDA premises by a United Nations authorized company; the second, with a different company,5 for the protection of the private residences of seven staff members.

保”预算的很大一部 分是用来支付两份保安合同 (88 240 美 / 每年),第一份合同 是由一家经联合国认可的公司来为办事处办公场所提供保安服务,第二份合同是与另外一家 [...]

公司所签订5 ,任务是负责七名工作人员私人住宅的安全保护。

To appropriate a total amount of $7,627,500 under the programme budget for the biennium [...]

2010-2011, comprising increases


under section 1, Overall policymaking, direction and coordination ($2,006,000); section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management ($3,730,800); section 8, Legal affairs ($657,400); section 17, Economic and social development in Africa ($38,100); section 21, Economic and social development in Western Asia ($38,100); section 28C, Office of Human Resources Management ($269,800); section 28D, Office of Central Support Services ($325,200); section 28E, Administration, Geneva ($133,700); section 28G, Administration, Nairobi ($133,700); and an increase under section 36, Staff assessment ($294,700), to be offset by a corresponding amount under income section 1, Income from staff assessment.

(b) 在 2010-2011 年年期共批7 627 500 美元,包括第 1 款 (通盘决策、领导和协调)下 2 006 000 美元;第 [...]

2 款(大会和经济及社会理事会 事务和会议管理)下 3 730 800 美元;第


8 款(法律事务)下 657 400 美元;第 17 款(非洲经济及社会发展)下 38 100 美元;第 21 款(西亚经济及社会发展)下 38 100 美元;第 28 C 款(人力资源管理厅)下 269 800 美元;第 28 D 款(中央支助事务 厅)下 325 200 美元;第 28 E 款(行政,日内瓦)下 133 700 美元;第 28 G 款(行 政,内罗毕)下 133 700 美元以及第 36 款(工作人员薪金税)下增加的 294 700 美 元,最后一笔由收入第 1 款(工作人员薪金税收入)下相应数额抵销。

The request made in paragraph 20 would


entail a requirement for

[...] an additional amount of $448,200 in the proposed programme budget for the biennium [...]

2010-2011, including


$421,900 under section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management, for interpretation at four meetings and the issuance of 96 pages of documentation, $16,400 under section 16 for travel of meeting servicing staff and $9,900 under section 28D, Office of Central Support Services.

草案第 20 段提出的要求会给 2010-2011 财年的计划 预算方案增448 200 美元的额外款项,其中 421 900 美元增加到第 2 章(大会和经济及社会理事会的事 [...]

务及会议管理),用于解释四次会议和出版 96 页文 件,另外


16 400 美元增加到第 16 章,用于支付承担 会议服务工作人员的差旅费,而其余 9 900 美元增 加到第 28D 章(中央支助事务厅)。

16.91 Extrabudgetary resources in the amount of $177,190,300 will complement the regular budget resources and provide the bulk [...]

of the funding for this


subprogramme and provide funds for technical cooperation and advisory services to Member States on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, drug treatment and prevention systems and technical support on alternative development and sustainable livelihoods.

16.91 177 190 300 美元预外资源将补充经常算资 源, 为本次级方案提供大部分经费,并 供经 费用于为会员国提供以下方面的技术合作和咨询服务:艾滋病毒/艾滋病的预防、治疗和康复、 毒品治疗和预防制度、关于其他方式的发展和持久生计的技术支助。

Pursuant to section XI of General Assembly resolution 66/247 on the financial implications of the administration of justice at the United


Nations, additional

[...] requirements in the amount of $7,078,700 were approved under the proposed 20122013 biennium programme budget, of which the net amount of $3,321,800 represents [...]

the share of


costs to be funded from the support account for peacekeeping operations in accordance with General Assembly resolution 62/228.

根据大会关于联合国内部司法所涉财务问题的第 66/247 号决议第十一 节,在 2012-2013 两年期拟议方案算下所需 追加资源 7 078 700 美元, 其中 3 321 800 美是按照大会第 62/228 号决议由维持和平行动支助账户 供资的分摊费用。

If it needs money, certainly it will be


necessary to

[...] increase provisions in the Budget, but this amendment is suggesting a reduction of the amount of funding proposed in the Budget, and I really find this incomprehensible.

如果有需要動用金錢的話,當然便要在財 政預 算案 (“預 算案 )批 出更多撥款,但現時的修正案卻說要 案的 助金 額,對此,我 法理解。

Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has


included in his

[...] report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, [...]

or $319,811,300


more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).

此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任额的预测数据,他 估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 [...]

300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。

As of 30 June 2003, the total amount obligated under the regular budget (excluding the carry-over funds) was $403,485,822, or 73.7% of the total budget allocation of $547,279,659.

截至 2003 年 6 30 日,在正项下承付 的总额(不包括结转资金)为 403,485,822 美元,即算拨总额 547,279,659 美元的 73.7%。

The full budget amount of $38,880,000 under [...]

other staff costs would provide for general temporary assistance from 2010 to


the end of the project for 66 subject matter experts for 3,390 months at an average cost of $11,470 per month, estimated on the basis of the average of a P-4 and General Service (Other level) net base salary using the 2010 standard staff costs.

其他工作人员费项下算总 38 880 000 美元,将用于 2010 年至项目结束期间作为一般临时人员的 [...]

66 名专题专 家共 3 390 个工作月的费用,平均每工作月 11 470 美元,这是根据 2010 年标准工作人员费用,按照


P-4 和一般事务(其他职等)的净基薪平均估 算的。

However, in the wake of the Asian financial crisis following the reunification, Mr


Donald TSANG, the then Financial

[...] Secretary, set in the Budget the amount of reserves at an [...]

amount equivalent to 12 months' government


expenditure plus the amount of money supply under M1 at a level of plus or minus 25% of the figure.

不過,在回歸後,經受亞洲金融風暴的沖擊後, 當時的財政司司長曾蔭權先便在預 ,將儲 備定 於相等於 12 個月的 政府開支,加上貨幣供應 [...]

M1 的數額,並以增減 25%作為所訂出的一個水平。

It is estimated that additional conference-servicing requirements of $1,122,300 would arise, including $1,116,500 under section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management, and $5,800 under section 29E, Administration,


Geneva, of which:

[...] (a) the amount of $817,000 for 2013, including $814,100 under section 2 and $2,900 under section 29E, would be required under the programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013; and (b) the amount of $305,300 for 2014, including $302,400 under section 2 and $2,900 under section 29E, would be considered in the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium [...]


估计将需要增加会议服务经费 1 122 300 美元,包括第 2 款(大会和经济及 社会理事会事务和会议管理)项下 1 116 500 美元和第 29E 款(行政,日内瓦)项 下 5 800 美元,其中:(a) 2013 年的 817 000 美元,包括第 2 款项下 814 100 美元和第 29E 款项下 2 900 美元,将需在 2012-2013 两年期拟议预算中编列(b) 2014 年的 305 300 美元,包括第 2 款项下 302 400 美元和第 29E 款项下 2 900 美元,将在 2014-2015 两年期的拟议方案算中

With respect to the estimates for 2010, the Advisory Committee points out that if the


charges proposed by the

[...] Secretary-General of $599,526,500 are approved by the General Assembly, the remaining balance in the provision for special political missions included in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 would amount to just $229.4 [...]

million for 2011.

关于 2010 年的估计数, 咨询委员会指出,如果大会核准秘书长提议的 599 526 500 美元支出, 2010-2011 两年期拟议列特别政 治任务经费 余额在 2011 年 将2.294 亿美元。

Although the Advisory Committee previously recommended against the establishment of a D-1 post for a Deputy Director (see A/63/769,


para. 30), the proposals

[...] contained in the budget document amount to a significant expansion of the Division’s [...]


尽管咨询委员会先前建议不设立 D-1 级副司长员额(见 A/63/769,第 30 段),件中所载 的提议意味着该司的能力将显 扩大。

Of the total requirements for the biennium

[...] 2010–2011, the cost of the regular budget would amount to $14,188,000 and the balance of $8,050,300 would [...]

be reimbursed to


the United Nations by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

在 2010-2011 两年期的全部经费中,常预的费 用将为 14 188 000 美 元 8 050 300 美元将由联合国开发计划署、联合国人口基金和联 合国儿童基金会偿还联合国。

X.6 With regard to section 32, Jointly financed administrative activities, the full budget resources requested


for the biennium

[...] 2012-2013 (inclusive of the requested regular budget resources) amount to $37,723,800 [...]

before recosting, representing


an increase of $598,400, or 1.6 per cent, compared with the biennium 2010-2011 (A/66/6 (Sect. 32), table 32.6).

十.6 关于第 32

[...] 款(共同出资的行政活动),2012-2013 两年期所需全额算资(包括所需经常算资源) 在重计费用前为 37 723 800 美元,比 2010-2011 [...]

两 年期增加 598 400 美元,亦即增加 1.6%(A/66/6(Sect.32),表 32.6)。

10.1.3 For budget control purpose, the actual expenditure for any individual item may


exceed at most 15% of

[...] the original budgeted expenditure for that item if this does not result in any increase in the overall total approved project cost and in the total amount of CSI project funds [...]

requested and that


all expenditure follows the relevant requirements set out in this Guide.

10.1.3 為控制預算,所有個別支出分項的實 際支出最多可超出原算支15%,惟該支出分項超預算後不得增 加核准項目的整體總成本及所申請的 設計支援計劃撥款額,且所有支出 必須遵照本指南載列的有關規定。

The Fifth Committee, during the second part of the resumed


sixty-sixth session of the General

[...] Assembly, approved the budget in the amount of $54.6 million gross [...]

for the maintenance of UNFICYP


for the period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013, for which the Assembly is yet to take a decision.

第五委员会在大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议期间核准 额为 5 460 万 美元的算,联塞部队 2012 年 7 月 1 日至 2013 [...]

年 6 月 30 日期间的维持费, 这有待大会作出决定。

The present fallacies of charging all clients of public health and medical services minimal price, regardless their affordability, would only lead to


depreciation in quality of service for all at the end of the day, given

[...] a restrained budget irrespective of the amount.

現時收費制度的流弊,是不理會公眾衛生及醫療服務的對象的負擔能力而㆒律收 取最低廉的費用,由財政算及 款有 限, 這種做法最終只會導致服務質素全面 ㆘降。

After hearing the report of the contact group set up to


discuss the issue with

[...] UNEP, the Executive Committee approved the revised CAP budget at an amount of US $8,243,090 plus agency support costs of 8 per cent, [...]

amounting to US $659,447,


representing a 3 per cent increase on the 2007 budget (decision 53/21).

在听取了与环境规划署讨论履约协助方 问题 的联 络组的报告之后,执行委员会核准了订正的履约协助方案 算, 算额 8,243,090美元,外加8%的机构支助费用659,447美元,较2007年预算增加3%(第 53/21号决定)。

The Director-General’s Ivory Note of 8 December 2011 on the preparation of the work plans factored in an


average reduction of 29% of the 36

[...] C/5 document budget envelope, leaving an amount of $465 million [...]

that formed the basis for the


formulation of the annual work plans.

总干事关于制定工作计划问题的 2011 年 12 月 8 的象牙白通函采纳了在 36 C/5 额基础上 减少 29%,即 4.65 亿美元作为制定年度工作计划考虑的基数。

SCA added that although the cost for implementing the proposal, i.e.


some $50 to $60 million per annum, was not a

[...] very significant amount against the annual government budget of $200 billion, [...]

the Administration would be cautious in the use of public funds.

政制事務局局長補充,雖然相對於 政府每年2,000元的算,行有 關建 議的成本(即約每 年 5,000萬至6,000萬元) 並非十分龐大的額,但政府當 [...]


amount of budget - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)


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