Department of Economics, NCKU (2024)

Teaching record


Econometrics I (Master)

Econometrics II (Master)

Econometrics II (Undergraduate)

Principles of Economics (Undergraduate)

Law and Economics (Undergraduate/Master)

Programming for Social Scientists (Undergraduate)

Time Series Econometrics (Master/ Ph.D., Adjunct with Ruey Yau)

Topics in Econometrics (Master/Ph.D., Adjunct with Ruey Yau)

Advanced Macroeconomics (Master/Ph.D., Adjunct with Ruey Yau)

Quantitative Methods and Analysis (Ph.D.)


Student Name

Thesis Title


Graduation Year

Wong, Guan-Jie

Establishment and Application of High-dimensional Macroeconomic Industrial Model

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Lee, Pin-Yi

The Impact of Disclosing CSR Reports on Financial Performance: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Steel Industry

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Kuo, Chun-Yu

Enhancing Investment Performance of F-score with Machine Learning

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Kao, Chi-Ting

Variable Selection and Accuracy Improvement of Macroeconometric Forecasting Model with Mixed-Frequency Data

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Liang, Kuei-Ting

The Spillover Effects of Industries in Taiwan Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Chiu, Chen-Pang

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Action Plan for Financial Development in Taiwan via Distribution Synthetic Control Method

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Lu, Yi-Sheng

Constructing a Macroeconometric Forecasting Model via High-Dimensional Variable Selection

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Wu, Chung-Min

Equity Market Contagion in View of Causal Discovery: Reinvestigating the Global Crisis

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Yi-Man Huang

Exploring the Effect of the Terms of Trade on the Decoupling of Wage Growth and Productivity Growth by Quantile Regression

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Wang, Shao-Che

The Influence of Labor Productivity on Wage Stagnation: A Comparative Study among Taiwan, Japan, and Korea

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Duan, Pin-Ren

The application of artificial intelligence to the law: The classification of capital punishment and life imprisonment

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Kuo, Ping-Hong

The Effect of Micro-insurance on the Financial Performance of Insurance Companies in Taiwan

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Chang, Chih-Chia

Empirical Study on Compensation for Damage of Trademark Infringement: Extracting Data from Court Verdicts with Python

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Hsu, Ming-Hsiang

City Boundary and Housing Price Differences: Evidence from Greater Taipei Area

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Yang, Shin-Ru

Implementing the Hypothetical Monopolist Test in Market Definition: A Simultaneous Analysis of New Vehicle Product and Geographic Market in GuangZhou

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Chang, Chin-Yuan

The Impacts of the Delayed Retirement by Older Workers on Younger Workers among Taiwan’s Industries

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Weng, Yu-Kuan

The Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on Taiwan's Industrial Output and Employment: An Application of Global VAR

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University


Su, Yi-Hsiu

Estimation of Bank Efficiency with Unobserved Common Shocks: An Application of Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation for a Panel Stochastic Frontier Model

Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University



Chou, Chih-Lin

The Impacts of Foreign Workers Importation on Wage in Taiwan

Graduate Institute of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University

(Co-supervised with Professor Li-Fen Lei)


Li, Meng-Hsi

Technical Efficiency of Financial Holding Companies: An Application of Stochastic Distance Function

Graduate Institute of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University

(Co-supervised with Professor Li-Fen Lei)


Lam, Pak-Hung

The Impact of the Economic Liberalization on Grain Production in Mainland China

Graduate Institute of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University

(Co-supervised with Professor Li-Fen Lei)


Chao, Hsueh-Tsen

Cluster Analysis on Government Debt to Economic Growth

Graduate Institute of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University

(Co-supervised with Professor Li-Fen Lei)


Yang, Shang-Wei

Are Foreign-Owned Auction Houses More Efficient in the Chinese Art Market?

Department of Economics, National Central University

(Co-supervised with Professor Yau Ray)


Lin, Chung Yueh

Productivity Changes and Real Exchange Rates -- Industrial Empirical Research

Department of Economics, National Central University

(Co-supervised with Professor Yau Ray)


  1. Department of Economics,
    • A. Mentor for Undergraduate Students
    • Committee of Academic Resource Allocations
    • Committee of Curriculum
    • Committee of Library Resources and Equipment Management
    • Teacher Review Committee
  2. Graduate Institute of Political Economy, Member of
    • Committee of Library Resources and Equipment Management
  3. College of Social Science, Member of
    • Committee of Curriculum
    • Fund Raising Committee
    • Committee of International Affairs (國際交流小組委員)
    • Committee of Library Resources (圖書期刊審查小組委員)
    • Mentor for Student Teachers in Social Science (Center of Teacher Education at NCKU)


I. Selected JournalArticles:

1. Zonda, Joe Maganga, Chang-ChingLin and Ming-Jen Chang (2023, Oct). A Tide that Lifts Some Boats:Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects of EU Enlargement. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. (Accepted). (SSCI)

2. Chang, Yun-Chien, Kong-Pin Chen, Jen-Che Liao, and Chang-Ching Lin (2023, Oct). Ask More, Awarded More:Evidence from Taiwan’s Courts. International Review of Law and Economics. 76, 106171. (SSCI)

3. Chang, Yun-Chien and Chang-Ching Lin (2023, Jul). DoParties Negotiate After Trespass Litigation? An Empirical Study of CoaseanBargaining. Journal of Law and Empirical Analysis. (Accepted)

4. Zonda, Joe Maganga, Chang-ChingLin and Ming-Jen Chang (2023, June). On the Economic Costs of PoliticalInstabilities: A Tale of Sub-Saharan Africa. Empirical Economics (SSCI). (Online,

5. Yin, Shou-Yung, Chang-Ching Lin,and Ming-Jen Chang (2023, Mar). Interest Rate Persistence and Monetary PolicyRule in Light of Model Uncertainty. GermanEconomic Review, 24(2), 145-190. (SSCI) (Online,

6. Chang, Yu-Tzu, Fuhmei Wang, Wen-Yen Huang, Hsuan Hsiao,Jung-Der Wang and Chang-Ching Lin,(2021.May). "Estimated Loss of Lifetime Employment Duration for PatientsUndergoing Maintenance Dialysis in Taiwan," Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,16(5),746-756, Online, (SCIE, 2021 IF:8.237, Urology and Nephrology: 8/90)

7. Yin, Shou-Yung, Chu-An Liu and Chang-Ching Lin (2021,Jan). Focused Information Criterion and Model Averaging for Large Panels with aMultifactor Error Structure. Journal ofBusiness and Economic Statistics, 39(1), 54-68. (SSCI) (Online:

8. Chang-Ching Lin, Yun-chien Chang and Kong-Pin Chen (2020.Sep).Knowledge in Youth is Wisdom in Age: An Empirical Study of Attorney Experiencein Torts Litigation. International Reviewof Law and Economics,63, Forthcoming. (SSCI). (Online:

9. Wang, Chien-Ho, Shu-Hui Lin, Chang-ChingLin and Hung-Yu Lai (2020, Apr). New DynamicHedging Model with Futures: Kalman Filter Error Correction Model. Journal of Risk, 22(4), 61-78.(SSCI).

10. Lin, Ming-Jen, Chang-ChingLin, Juin-Jen Chang, Tien-Wang Tsaur and Hao-Yen Yang (2019, Dec).Ranking of Economics Journals: the 2019 Update. Taiwan Economic Review, 47(4), 503-542. (in Chinese, TSSCI).

11. Chang-Ching Lin and Wei-Min Hu (2019, Jul). The Application ofPattern-based Quantitative Approaches to Market Definition: An Example OFManufacturing Non-alcoholic Beverages in Taiwan. Fair Trade Quarterly, 27(3), 143-190. (in Chinese, TSSCI).

12. Chiu, Chung-Yueh, Chang-ChingLin and Chih-Hai Yang (2019, Apr).Technological Catching-up between Two ASEAN Members and China: A MetafrontierApproach. China Economic Review, 54, 12-25. (SSCI).

13. Chen, Yi-Chi, Chang-Ching Lin and Chor-Yiu (CY) Sin (2019, Mar).A Nonlinear View of Long-Run PPP using Cross-sectionally DependentHeterogeneous Panels. Taiwan EconomicReview, 47(1), 1-40. (TSSCI).

14. Huang, Kuo-Chang, Kong-Pin Chen and Chang-Ching Lin (2017,Jun). Explaining Public Attitudes toward the Judicial System: The Case ofTaiwan. The Taiwanese Political ScienceReview, 21(1), 51-112. (in Chinese, TSSCI).

15. Chang-Ching Lin, Juin-Jen Chang and Shu-Shiuan Lu (2017, Mar). WageStagnation? Fact Disclosure and Cross-Country Comparison. Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 29(1), 87-125. (inChinese, TSSCI).

16. Chang-Ching Lin, Kong-Pin Chen, Kuo-Chang Huang and Ya-Ting Yu (2016, June). TheResearch Design and Methodology of the 2011 Civil Justice Survey in Taiwan. Survey Research — Method and Application,36, 87-123. (in Chinese, TSSCI).

17. Chang, Juin-Jen, Chang-Ching Lin and Hsieh-Yu Lin (2016, Jan). GreatRatios and International Openness. International Review of Economics andFinance, 41,110–121. (SSCI).

18. Chang-Ching Lin, Chu-Ping Lo and Pei-Ing Wu (2016, Jan). LabourResources Misallocation from Agricultural Productivity Gap: Evidence fromTheory to Practice. The Empirical Economics Letters, 15(12),1-30.

19. Chang-Ching Lin, Kong-Pin Chen, Kuo-Chang Huang and Hung-Pin Lai (2015, Dec). TheJusticiable Problems of Everyday Life: Urbanization, Demographic and SocialEconomic Characteristics. TaiwaneseJournal of Sociology, 58, 157-190. (in Chinese, TSSCI).

20. Chen, Kong-Pin, Kuo-Chang Huang and Chang-Ching Lin (2015,Mar). Party Capability versus Court Preference: Why do the “Haves” Come outAhead?—An Empirical Lesson from the Taiwan Supreme Court. Journal of Law,Economics and Organization, 31(1), 93-126. (SSCI).

21. Huang, Kuo-Chang and Chang-Ching Lin (2014,Aug). Mock Jury Trials in Taiwan—Paving the Ground for Introducing LayParticipation. Law and Human Behavior, 38(4), 367-377. (SSCI).

22. Huang, Kuo-Chang, Chang-ChingLin and Kong-Pin Chen (2014, Mar). DoRich and Poor Behave Similarly in Seeking Legal Advice?--Lessons from Taiwan inComparative Perspective. Law and Society Review, 48(1), 193-223.(SSCI).

23. Huang, Kuo-Chang and Chang-Ching Lin (2013,Dec). Rescuing Confidence in the Judicial System: Introducing Lay Participationin Taiwan. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 10(3), 542-569. (SSCI)

24. Lo, Joan C., Yi-Chen Hong and Chang-Ching Lin (2013,Nov). Healthcare Utilization of Bereaved Family Members Following the 1999Chi-chi Earthquake: Evidence from Administrative Data. Journal ofPsychosomatic Research, 75(5), 484-490. (SSCI).

25. Chang, Ming-Jen, Chang-Ching Lin and Shou-Yung Yin (2013, Oct). TheBehaviour of Real Exchange Rates: The Case of Japan. Pacific Economic Review,18(4), 530-545. (SSCI).

26. Chang-Ching Lin and Serena Ng (2012, Aug). Estimation of PanelData Models with Parameter Heterogeneity when Group Membership is Unknown. Journalof Econometric Methods, 1(1), 42-55.

27. Chen, Yi-Chi and Chang-Ching Lin (2012, Jul). Information Shocks andCigarette Addiction: Views from Dynamic Panels with Common Structural Changes. AppliedEconomics, 44(35), 4651-4660. (SSCI).

28. Chen, Kong-Pin, Kuo-Chang Huang and Chang-Ching Lin (2010, Dec). An EmpiricalInvestigation of Settlement and Litigation --The Case of Taiwan Labor Disputes. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 7(4), 786-810. (SSCI).

29. Chen, Yi-Chi and Chang-Ching Lin (2010, Dec). Threshold Effects in CigaretteAddiction: An Application of the Threshold Model in Dynamic Panels. EconomicsBulletin, 30 (4), 3128-3142. (EconLit).

30. Huang, Kuo-Chang, Chang-ChingLin and Kong-Pin Chen (2010, Sep). AnEmpirical Study of Informal Labor Mediation in Taiwan: The Comparison betweenGovernmental Mediation and Organizational Mediation. Academia Sinica Law Journal, 7, 209-267. (in Chinese, TSSCI).

31. Huang, Kuo-Chang, Kong-Pin Chen and Chang-Ching Lin (2010,Jun). Does The Type of Criminal Defense Counsel Affect Case Outcomes? --ANatural Experiment in Taiwan. International Review of Law and Economics,30(2), 113-127. (SSCI).

32. Shaw, Daigee, Arwin Pang, Chang-ChingLin and Ming-Feng Hung (2010, May).Economic Growth and Air Quality in China. Environmental Economics and PolicyStudies, 12, 79-96. (EconLit).

33. Chen, Yi-Ting and Chang-Ching Lin (2008, May). On the Robustness of SymmetryTests for Stock Returns. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics,12(2), Article 2. (SSCI).

34. Chang-Ching Lin, Mao-Wei Hung and Chung-Ming Kuan (2001, Mar).Analyzing Taiwan's Short-term Interest Rate Using Regime Switching Models. Academia Economic Papers, 30(1), 29-55.(TSSCI).

II. Dissertation

Lin,Chang-Ching.Three Essays in Econometrics. The University of Michigan. May, 2006.

III. Chapter in Books:

1. Chang-Ching Lin (2021/04),“Donation Behaviors of Taiwanese Christians,” in C.-C. Yi and K.-H. Su eds., Changing Christians, Changing Churches: ASociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan, National Taiwan UniversityPress, p. 275-318. (in Chinese)

2. Shu-Chin Huang and Chang-ChingLin (2013/08), “Outward FDI to China and theParent Firm'S Ability to Create Value Added per Worker,” in E. Guillon and L.Chauvet eds., Foreign Direct Investment(FDI): Policies, Economic Impacts and Global Perspectives, Nova, p.103~126.

3. Lin, Chang-Ching and Shinichi Sakata*(2013/01), “On Long-Run CovarianceMatrix Estimation with the Truncated Flat Kernel,” in X. Chen and N. R. Swanson eds., Recent Advances and Future Directions in Causality, Prediction,and Specification Analysis-Essays in Honor of Halbert L. White Jr., Springer, p.383-410. (Peer-reviewed)

IV. Other Publications:

1. Lin, Chang-Ching (2019, Dec). The Introduction and Applications of the Legal DataSets Commonly Used in Taiwan for Empirical Studies in Law and Economics. Academia Economic Papers, 47(4),533-546. (in Chinese, invited, TSSCI).


1. 2022.8~2024.7The Selection of Financial Consumer Disputes for Litigation in Taiwan111-2410-H-006 -066 -MY2

2. 2021.8~2022.7 Lack of Incentives? An Empirical Study of PleaBargaining in Taiwan/110-2410-H-006 -093-MOST

3. 2020.8~2021.7Judge Gender, Political Correctness and Sentences in Domestic Violence Cases/109-2410-H-006-081-MOST

4. 2019.8~2020.7Judges' Sentencing Decisions, Anchoring Effects, and Sentence GuidelineInformation System in Taiwan/108-2410-H-006-009-MOST

5. 2018.8~2019.7The Impacts of Peer Relationship between High Courts and District Courts onReversal Rates: An Example of the Judge Transfer System with a Fixed-termPeriod of Service in Taiwan/107-2410-H-006-015-MOST

6. 2018.8~2021.7Technology Assessment for Preventive Medicines: Development of Methods and EmpiricalApplications (1, 2)/107-2627-M-006-007-MOST, 108-2627-M-006-001-MOST(Co-Principal Investigator, Co-PI)

7. 2018.1~2019.2An Update of the Ranking of Economics Journal /107-2420-H-001-005-MOST (Co-PI)

8. 2017.8-2018.7ModelAveraging for Heterogeneous Dynamic Panel Regressions with Weakly ExogenousRegressors and a Multifactor Error Structure /106-2410-H-006-003-MOST

9. 2017.8-2018.7Technology assessment for preventive medicines: Development of methods andempirical applications/106-2627-M-006-015-MOST (Co-PI)

10. 2016.8-2017.12Identifyingthe Number of Primitive Shocks with Latent Group Information for StationaryPanels/105-2410-H-006-005-MOST

11. 2015.8-2016.10Plug-inForecast Combination in Factor-augmented Predictive Regressions/104-2410-H-001-017-MOST

12. 2013.8-2015.7APartition Algorithm and Tests for the Presence of Clusters in HeterogeneousPanel Data Models/102-2410-H-006-127-MY2 MOST

13. 2013.8-2014.7TheCommon-Law and Civil-Law Standards of Criminal Conviction: Do They Make aDifference? /101-2410-H-001-092-MOST (Co-PI)

14. 2012.8-2013.7Testingfor Slope hom*ogeneity in Large Panels with Cross-sectional Correlations/101-2410-H-001-010-MOST

15. 2011.8-2012.12Estimationof the Threshold Models with an Endogenous Transition Variable: A Copula Approach/100-2410-H-001-030-MOST

16. 2010.8-2011.10Testingfor Slope hom*ogeneity in a Linear Panel Model with Fixed Effects andConditional Heteroskedasticity/99-2410-H-001-036-MOST

17. 2009.8-2010.7 Estimation of and Tests for Structure Change in LargePanels with I(1) Disturbances/98-2410-H-001-035-MOST

18. 2008.8-2009.7Threshold Regression Without Distribution Assumption When the ThresholdVariable is Endogenous/97-2410-H-001-016-MOST

19. 2007.8-2008.7A Simple Clustering Method for Panel Data with Fixed Effects and Cross-sectionalHeteroskedasticity/96-2415-H-001-025-MOST


1. 2023.3-2023.10Research on the Empirical Analysis of Collusive Behaviors in Pricing Strategiesin the Digital Economy / Fair Trade Commission.

2. 2018.4-2018.10 Applicationsof Empirical Analysis in Market Definition / Fair Trade Commission.

Department of Economics, NCKU (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.