Elevating Your Content Strategy with Cloud-Based CMS Platforms - Codeless (2024)

A strong content plan is important for businesses to get people’s attention. As digital content needs surge, companies must find ways to ensure unique digital experiences. This is where cloud-based content management systems come in. Also known as CMS, they offer a flexible way to handle content and generate content plans even better.

This article discusses how cloud-based CMS platforms help businesses manage content as they scale. We’ll discuss handling more content, dealing with dozens of websites, and going global. We’ll also look at the benefits these platforms offer and how they make it easier for businesses to do more with their content.

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The good things about cloud-based CMS

Let’s talk about why using a cloud-based CMS is a good idea for making your content planbigger.

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(Image Source: Wordable)

Flexibility and scaling

Cloud-based CMS can change and grow as your content needs increase. Unlike the old way of content creation, cloud systems can handle more work without huge upfront costs. This starkly contrasts with the usual, where scaling up is expensive and requires a longer process.

Imagine you have a blog that becomes super popular. With a cloud-based CMS, your website can handle more visitors without crashing or slowing down. This is all thanks to the platform’s distributed and scalable architecture.

Unlike traditional web hosting, cloud-based CMS platforms use a network of interconnected servers. These platforms distribute the load among many servers to prevent any server from overloading. Thus, you don’t need to buy expensive new equipment to make it work better.

Saving money

Cloud CMS is cheaper than the old way. You only pay for what you use, so you can save money by not paying a lot upfront.

Suppose you’re a small business trying to break out with a new website. Instead of paying a big chunk of money upfront to buy servers and technology, with a cloud-based CMS, you only pay for what you use as your website grows. It’s like paying for only the ingredients you need to bake a cake instead of buying a whole bakery in one go.

This way, you don’t have to worry about spending a lot of money at the beginning. You can start small and grow at your own pace without an overwhelming financial burden.

Working together from anywhere

Cloud CMS also makes it easy for content authors to collaborate from different locations. This functionality is helpful if your team is far apart or if you want to reach people in other countries.

Imagine having an editorial team spread out in different locations. They’ll all need to work on a project together. With a cloud-based CMS, they can all access the content and make changes, like working online on a document.

Such a feature makes it easy for content authors to work together on a single dashboard, even if far apart. It’s like having a virtual meeting room where everyone can work on the same thing at once, no matter where they are. So, you don’t have to wait for emails to get things done — everything remains in one place.

Smooth work

Cloud CMS comes with functions that make working together on content much smoother. This is great for getting things done faster. These tools often include features like real-time collaboration and content tracking. Team members can work on the same document, like when you edit a shared document online. This means everyone can view the changes as they happen and work together without waiting for each other’s emails.

Strong security

Cloud-based CMS is safe and protects your content. It backs up your content and stops hackers. It also has security measures such as automatic backups, encryption, and tools to identify and block hackers.

Think about a healthcare administration degree onlinebusiness that uses a cloud-based CMS. This kind of website has sensitive information that needs to be super secure. The secure locks of a cloud-based CMS ensure the confidentiality of student and patient records.

This makes it accessible only to authorized people. It’s like having a guard at the door to ensure only the right people can enter. So, you can trust that your content is safe, like how important things are in a vault.

Less time with no content

Cloud-based CMS platforms can keep working even while they’re getting updated or fixed. This is a far cry from traditional systems that need to shut down for maintenance from time to time. They do this by spreading the work across many servers, allowing some to take a break. This way, your content doesn’t disappear or go offline because a part of the system is resting.

Think of it like this: A restaurant remains open even while the staff cleans the kitchen. Traditional systems would close the whole restaurant while the staff cleans. With cloud-based CMS platforms, they’d keep serving food in one area while also cleaning.

So, even though maintenance happens behind the scenes, your content is still available for people to see and enjoy. This ensures that your website is like a 24/7 shop that’s always open, ready to welcome visitors, no matter when they drop by.

Numbers about your content

Many cloud CMS have tools that show you how people use your content. This helps content creators like you know what works and what people like. For instance, an online shop can see what products people look at the most and sell better stuff.

An online shop using a cloud-based CMS can track which products customers click on and buy the most. This data helps them stock popular products and improve sales.

Working with other tools

Cloud-based CMS works well with other things you use. This feature makes your content plan even better by adding tools for email, social media, and more. For example, a blog can share posts on social media using its cloud-based CMS.

You have a travel blog where you wish to share your latest article on social media. A cloud-based CMS integrates with your social media accounts. This way, when you publish a new post, it gets shared on your social platforms.

Growing your content plan

Let’s look at more ways to grow your content plan using a cloud-based CMS:

Making content personal

Elevating Your Content Strategy with Cloud-Based CMS Platforms - Codeless (3)

(Image Source: The HOTH)

Users want personalization. In fact, 71%of consumers expect personalized experiences from the brands they interact with.

Cloud-based CMS helps you create content that appeals to different audiences. You can use this to give each group of people content they like. For example, a fashion store can curate clothes they might love based on what they have seen before.

Example:If a user often reads articles about fitness on a health and wellness website, the cloud-based CMS can suggest more articles on fitness, recipes, and workout routines.

Trying new content fast

With a cloud-based CMS, your team can work together to create new content. This is great for developing content about what’s happening, like news or important events.

Example:A news website can publish breaking news articles as events unfold. This agility allows them to stay current and relevant.

Making content for different countries

When you want to reach people in other countries, you should create content that works for them. Cloud-based CMS helps you conveniently adapt content to different languages and cultures.

Example:A game company can use it to make game instructions in multiple languages. Or how about an e-commerce store expanding to international markets? It can create separate versions of its website for different regions, featuring content translated into the local language and tailored to cultural preferences.

Seeing what content works

You can try different things to improve your content. Cloud-based CMS lets you test diverse content ideas to see which ones people like more. This functionality helps you create content that gets more clicks and views.

Example:An online magazine can test two distinct headlines for an article to see which gets more clicks and engagement. It helps them choose the most appealing headline for their audience.

Keeping content consistent

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(Image Source: uSERP)

Maintaining a consistent brand imageand voice across multiple channels (think: website, email, and social media) can be a real challenge. Fortunately, cloud-based CMS platforms are the perfect solution. They integrate seamlessly with other tools to keep your workflow smooth and your content and branding flawless.

Example:A company launches a new website, social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok), and several email campaigns. It uses a cloud-based CMS to ensure that all its content has consistent branding, messaging, and design, making it easier for customers to recognize and connect with the brand.

Optimize your SEO efforts

Getting your content seen on search engines is critical. Cloud-based CMS platforms often have tools like SEO plugins and keyword analysis to help your content appear higher in search results.

Example:A local bakery can use these SEO tools to optimize its website’s contentand increase its visibility on search engines. This can help them attract more local customers looking for baked goods.

Leverage content versioning

When you make content, you often change it later. Cloud-based CMS keeps track of these changes, so you can return to an old version if needed. This helps you keep content consistent and up-to-date.

Example:A software company can update its product documentation over time. If a change results in errors or negative user feedback, they can easily revert to a previous version of the documentation using the cloud-based CMS.

Streamline social media integration

Content distribution is enhanced through seamless integration with social media platforms. Cloud-based CMS platforms enable automated sharing of content on social channels, expanding your content reach.

Example:An entertainment blog can set up its cloud-based CMS to automatically share new movie reviews on its social media accounts as soon as they get published on the website.

Incorporate multimedia content

Diversify your content strategy by incorporating multimedia elements. Cloud-based CMS platforms support various formats, enabling you to integrate videos, pictures, quizzes, and more. This makes your content more exciting and keeps people interested.

Example:An educational website that uses a cloud-based CMS to add videos and interactive quizzes to its lessons. Such functionality engages learners and makes the learning experience more engaging.

Easy steps for success

Regardless of the type of content you create to maintain a digital presence, you can rely on a good cloud content management platform to make things easier. Here are some features you can leverage for a cost-effective yet seamless content delivery.

Making content for phones

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(Image Source: Pepper Square)

Since many people use phones, your content should work well on them. Cloud-based CMS can make your content look good on phones using various design techniques. You can choose adaptive, responsive, or mobile-first design.

When your website looks great on mobile devices, your users stay on your site longer. When they stay longer, your conversion rates increase.

Example:A travel blog using a cloud-based CMS ensures that articles are easily read and navigable on mobile devices. This keeps users engaged and improves their experience.

Learning from numbers

Elevating Your Content Strategy with Cloud-Based CMS Platforms - Codeless (6)

(Image Source: Content Science Review)

Cloud-based CMS shows you how people use your content. This insight helps you understand what people like and what works.

Example: An online course platform can use analytics data to identify which lessons have the highest completion rates and student satisfaction. They can then focus on creating similar high-quality content to meet student needs.

Real-life examples

The following are some examples of how real companies could use cloud-based CMS platforms to amplify their brand’s impact.

Sitecore for cool experiences

Elevating Your Content Strategy with Cloud-Based CMS Platforms - Codeless (7)

(Image Source: Sitecore)

Sitecore’s cloud CMS helps businesses design fun digital experiences. It joins content and how people use it to ensure everyone gets a good experience.

An e-commerce store using Sitecore’s cloud-based CMS can provide personalized product recommendations. It’ll leverage a user’s browsing history, creating a unique shopping experience.

Acquia’s Drupal CMS solution

Elevating Your Content Strategy with Cloud-Based CMS Platforms - Codeless (8)

(Image Source: Acquia)

Acquia’s cloud CMS helps businesses produce personal content that people love. This Drupal-based CMS also keeps many websites organized and safe.

A media company using Acquia’s cloud content management system can create customized news feeds for users. Interests and reading history are some of the bases on which to enhance user engagement.

Wrapping up

It’s crucial to be able to change and grow your content strategy. Cloud-hosted CMS platforms are the foundation for this.

You can develop a great content plan in many ways. You can leverage the good points, follow the ideas, and find inspiration from real-life examples. Remember that collaboration, considering your audience, and innovation will always improve your content plan.

Elevating Your Content Strategy with Cloud-Based CMS Platforms - Codeless (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.