Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (2024)

Saving money can feel like a daunting task, especially when you’re digging out of a hole or trying to build funds quickly.

This 26-week money saving challenge offers a structured approach to help you reach your money goals. You’ll gradually build your savings while creating a habit that benefits you for years to come.

Want to save this challenge? Enter your email and I’ll send the link straight to you.

Table of Contents

What Is A 26 Week Savings Challenge?

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (1)

In the 26-week money saving challenge, you put aside a pre-set amount of money each week.

And you will have a blast watching your money grow steadily!

This is where the real power of the challenge lies:

  • 26 weeks is long enough to give yourself asizablesavings boost.
  • you’re building precious momentum.
  • the challenge gives you enough flexibility to both plan ahead and improvise.

By the end of the 26 weeks, you will have saved over $1,000 or $5,000 without feeling overwhelmed by large weekly deposits.

$1000 26 week savings challenge:

  • Weekly Deposit: $39

$5000 26 week challenge:

  • Weekly Deposit: $193

Key Takeaway: By breaking down your savings goals into manageable increments, you are better equipped to reach your financial dreams.

Now, this 26 Week Money Saving Challenge is also customizable to fit your financial situation and goals (see printables below). You can adjust the starting amount or increase the increments to suit your needs.

What You Can Use The Challenge Money For

Just think of all the great things you can use your challenge money for! Whether you are saving $1,000 or more, start dreaming now!

Here are a few ideas for your cash stash:

  • Put it in your holiday fund for Xmas gifts & travel
  • That dream vacation to Europe
  • Building a 6-month emergency fund
  • Bumping up your retirement or college savings
  • Buying a new or used car
  • Starting a business

*Find agreat list of things to save up for for more ideas >>

How To Do The 26 Week Savings Challenge

Now, you don’thaveto do the steps below, but your chances of success will skyrocket if you do!

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (2)

1. Decide on how much you want to save and print the free printable below (Choose from $1,000, $5,000 or sign up to grab the customizable template)

2. Write your goal on the printable. Remembering what you are saving for is a big motivator.

3. Open a new savings account that is labeled “Savings Challenge.” (Or whatever you’re saving for). Make this account separate from your usual money flow, and get in the mindset that you will not take money out of it.

4. Set up automatic transfers to this new account. This is accountability at its finest! You are committing, and making your dreams HAPPEN.

5. Track your progress. Checkmark your printable each week and celebrate the small victories! You are taking consistent action. And that’s how dreams are realized.

10 Quick Ways To Find Cash

Now, if you start the challenge and find yourself struggling, these ideas will help!

1. Bag Your Lunch. And Make Your Own Fancy Coffee.

This adds up! Even just a few times a week can be all you need to hit your goal.

2. Grocery Shop At A Different Store

A grocery bill at Whole Foods is going to look a lot different than one at Aldis. It’s just the truth about the overall cost. If you love your pricier store, that’s fine too! Instead, consider shopping based on their weekly sales or reward programs.

3.Sell Your Stuff

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (3)

Most of us have plenty of items we’re not using. Declutter your house (ah, doesn’t that feel good!) and make your savings goal at the same time.

4. Audit Your Bills

One quick phone call can lower your bill EVERY month. Check on your:

  • Internet bill
  • phone bill
  • energy bills
  • insurance
  • any memberships you pay for (see if you can pay all at once for a discount)

Taking the time to look through your bills can save you hundreds if you catch something.

5.Earn More For The 26 Week Savings Challenge

Write a list of the side hustles that interest you. Is there one or two you could try?

Here are a few quick ways to make cash:

  • Babysit
  • Pet sit or dog walk
  • Flip furniture or lawn movers
  • Pick up a side gig through work
  • Become a serious investor

6. Use The 24 Hour Rule

To help with impulse shopping, set a rule that you can buy whatever you want after you’ve thought about it for 24 hours. This simple trick is all you need to find out if you really wanted it or if you got caught up in the moment.

7. Get Healthier

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (4)

Does that alcohol bill add up? Or perhaps it’s cigarettes. Or chocolate. We all have a few things we turn to when we’re stressed. Work on creating healthier coping strategies and you’ll save money on the things you wish you weren’t buying so much of anyways.

Here are healthy ways to treat yourself on a budget instead.

8. Get Rid Of Subscriptions You Don’t Need

Do you really need Netflix, Hulu, HBO, AND Disney? Chances are there’s one or two you don’t watch much.

Orwhat if you got rid of one in the summer months? That’s what we do! We bring Netflix back when the temperatures drop in the fall.

9.Cook At Home More

You’ll save money AND be healthier. Win-win! Focus onmeal planningand try a few frugal family freezer meals to help make this successful.

Related: Free Monthly Meal Planner

10. Entertain Strategically

Do you have parties that break the bank? Plan ahead for your next get-together by making it a potluck or serving cheaper food (i.e. try a baked potato or taco bar instead of serving salmon).


  • Unique Ways to Save Money
  • Why Can’t I Save Money?

Grab The Free Printables!

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable: $1,000

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (5)

If you save $39 dollars a week for 26 weeks you’ll end up with $1014. This is a little above $1,000, and that way if you slip up or come short a few weeks you’re covered!

26 Week Savings Template $1,000Download

Get The Free Money Challenge Pdf: $5,000

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (6)

Save $193 a week for 26 weeks and you’ll end up with $5,018. Again, this gives you wiggle room of $18 in case you come up short one week in the challenge. If you’d like to make this an even $200, grab the blank template below to modify.

26 Week Savings-$5000Download

Variations of the 26 Week Savings Challenge

While the basic challenge is a great start, you can also modify the challenge to fit your tastes. Here are a few popular options:

Do It Bi-Weekly

If you get paid every two weeks, this variation might work better for you. Instead of saving on a weekly basis, you can save every two weeks by adjusting your savings amount accordingly. (But don’t forget the automatic transfer!)

Double the Savings

If you want to aim for a higher savings goal, you can double the weekly amounts. For example, instead of saving $39 a month, you will save $78.

Related: How to Save $5000 in 3 Months

Customize Amounts

Create your own amounts. Set weekly saving goals based on your income, expenses, and desired savings amount.

For a customizable free 26-week printable, grab access to our resource library:

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (7)

How to Stay Motivated Tips

However you choose to do it, the 26-week money saving challenge is all about adapting the plan so that you can remain consistent. Here are a few things you can do (along with the tracking printables) to keep motivation high.

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (8)
  • Fill out a free commitment card and have someone sign off on it.
  • Create a vision board and put it on your fridge.
  • Read financial books that make you want to save.

FAQs: 26 Week Savings Challenge

What If I Miss A Week? Or Three?

There’s no shame in this game. In the end, whatever you save is going to be MORE than what you would have.

So what if you have a bad week or month? Get back in there! We all lose our way sometimes. The difference is what you do about it after.

When you get back on the wagon: Save double the amount or spread out the savings among future weeks to make up for the lost time.

Can I Start Mid-Year?

Of course! The 26-week challenge can begin at any time during the year. What matters is how consistent you are along the way. Not when you start.

Related: More Free 6 Month Savings Challenge Printables

Are There Alternatives to the 26 Week Savings Challenge?

Yes, there are many several alternatives to the 26-week challenge. You can find free printables for all of them on our site:

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (9)
  • 52-Week Challenge:This popular version allows you to save money for an entire year. This is a great option if you need more time.
  • Penny A Day Savings Challenge and Nickel Savings Challenge: These are great challenges if your budget is tight or you’d like the excitement of changing your savings amounts each day.
  • 100 Envelope Challenge: Make your challenge physical by turning it into cold hard cash.

How much money can you save in 26 weeks?

The answer to this is up to you. With our challenge, save $1,000 or less, or go bigger with $5,000, $10,000, or even $20,000.

Is it possible to save $10,000 in 6 months?

You bet it is! It will take determination, and you may need to overcome your limiting money beliefs. But it’s doable if you are willing to put in the work.

“Predicting rain doesn’t count. Building arks does.”

– Warren Buffett

To Consider With the Savings Challenge For 26 Weeks

By creating a scheduled easy-to-follow plan, you’ll be more likely to commit and develop a sustainable savings routine.

So, now it’s time to get going. Start the 26 week money saving challenge today!

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

I am an expert and enthusiast. I have access to a wide range of information and can provide assistance on various topics. Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in this article.

What Is A 26 Week Savings Challenge?

The 26-week money saving challenge is a structured approach to help individuals reach their financial goals by gradually building their savings over a period of 26 weeks. The challenge involves putting aside a pre-set amount of money each week, which allows for a sizable savings boost by the end of the 26 weeks. The challenge provides flexibility in planning and improvising, making it easier to save without feeling overwhelmed by large weekly deposits [[1]].

What You Can Use The Challenge Money For

The money saved through the 26-week challenge can be used for various purposes. Some ideas mentioned in the article include:

  1. Putting it in your holiday fund for Christmas gifts and travel.
  2. Saving for a dream vacation to Europe.
  3. Building a 6-month emergency fund.
  4. Bumping up your retirement or college savings.
  5. Buying a new or used car.
  6. Starting a business.

These are just a few examples, and the use of the challenge money can be customized based on individual preferences and financial goals [[1]].

How To Do The 26 Week Savings Challenge

To participate in the 26-week savings challenge, you can follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the amount you want to save and print the free printable provided in the article.
  2. Write your savings goal on the printable to keep yourself motivated.
  3. Open a new savings account specifically for the challenge and label it as "Savings Challenge" or according to your savings goal.
  4. Set up automatic transfers from your regular account to the new savings account to ensure consistent savings.
  5. Track your progress by checking off each week on the printable and celebrate your achievements along the way [[1]].

10 Quick Ways To Find Cash

If you find yourself struggling to save during the challenge, here are some quick ways to find cash:

  1. Bag your lunch and make your own fancy coffee.
  2. Grocery shop at a different store or consider shopping based on weekly sales or reward programs.
  3. Sell items you no longer need or use.
  4. Audit your bills and see if you can lower them by negotiating or switching providers.
  5. Explore side hustles or additional ways to earn more money.
  6. Use the 24-hour rule before making impulse purchases.
  7. Focus on healthier coping strategies to reduce expenses on items like alcohol, cigarettes, or excessive snacks.
  8. Evaluate and cancel subscriptions that are not essential.
  9. Cook at home more often to save money on dining out.
  10. Entertain strategically by planning cost-effective gatherings or potluck events [[1]].

Variations of the 26 Week Savings Challenge

While the basic 26-week challenge is a great start, there are variations that can be customized to fit individual preferences and financial situations. Here are a few popular options:

  1. Do It Bi-Weekly: If you get paid every two weeks, you can save every two weeks instead of weekly, adjusting the savings amount accordingly.
  2. Double the Savings: If you want to aim for a higher savings goal, you can double the weekly savings amounts.
  3. Customize Amounts: Create your own savings amounts based on your income, expenses, and desired savings goal [[1]].

FAQs: 26 Week Savings Challenge

The article also provides answers to some frequently asked questions about the 26-week savings challenge:

  1. What if I miss a week or three?: There's no shame in missing a week or month. You can make up for it by saving double the amount in subsequent weeks or spreading out the savings among future weeks.
  2. Can I start mid-year?: Yes, the 26-week challenge can begin at any time during the year. Consistency is more important than the start date.
  3. Are there alternatives to the 26 Week Savings Challenge?: Yes, there are several alternatives such as the 52-week challenge, penny a day savings challenge, nickel savings challenge, and the 100 envelope challenge. Each of these challenges has its own unique approach to saving money [[1]].

How much money can you save in 26 weeks?

The amount of money you can save in 26 weeks depends on your savings goal and the amount you set aside each week. The article provides examples of saving $1,000 or $5,000 over the course of 26 weeks, but the savings goal can be customized based on individual preferences and financial circ*mstances [[1]].

Is it possible to save $10,000 in 6 months?

Yes, it is possible to save $10,000 in 6 months, but it requires determination and potentially overcoming limiting beliefs about money. The article suggests that with the right effort and work, it can be achieved [[1]].

I hope this information helps you understand the concepts mentioned in the article. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Free 26 Week Savings Challenge Printable (save $1,000+ in 2024) (2024)


How to save $1,000 in 26 weeks? ›

The plan is refreshingly easy, even for the math-challenged: set aside $3 in the first week and put it into a savings account. Then add another $3 each week after, so $6 is saved in week two, $9 in week three, and so on. By week 26, when the final deposit of $78 is made, the savings will total $1,053.

What is the 26 pay period savings challenge? ›

It's when you save a specific dollar amount each week of the year. Usually, it's $1 for Week 1, $2 for Week 2 and so on. For many doing a 26 Week Money Challenge may be more convenient with your pay schedule (just exchange weeks for pay periods) or easier to commit to than a full year.

How does the $1000 savings challenge work? ›

To accept the $1,000-savings-in-30-days challenge, you'll need to save $250 a week—just over $35 per day. You can funnel the funds into a high yield savings account for safekeeping.

What is the 52 week rule for savings? ›

There are no complicated rules to remember. Week 1, you save $1.00. Week 2 you save $2.00, and it continues through the year, adding one more dollar to each week's savings goal. By Week 52, you'll set aside $52.00, which will bring the year's total savings to $1,378!


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.