How Many Wyvern Milk Do You Need? Your Complete Guide - GCELT (2024)

Are you a fan of the popular game Ark: Survival Evolved? If so, you’re likely familiar with the majestic creatures known as Wyverns. These mythical beasts play a crucial role in the game, especially if you’re looking to hatch and raise your own baby Wyverns.

One critical question that often arises for Ark players is how much Wyvern milk is needed to raise a healthy baby Wyvern. With so many conflicting answers and various stages of growth to consider, it can be overwhelming to figure out the right amount. That’s where this comprehensive guide comes in.

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Wyvern milk requirements at different stages of a Wyvern’s life. From hatching and feeding to taming and maturation, we’ll address your burning questions and provide you with practical insights to ensure your Wyvern offspring thrive.

So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Wyverns and discover the exact amount of Wyvern milk needed, let’s get started!

How Many Wyvern Milk Do You Need? Your Complete Guide - GCELT (1)

How Many Wyvern Milk Do You Need

If you find yourself on an adventure in the fantastical world of Ark: Survival Evolved, you may come across the mystical creature called a wyvern. These majestic beasts have the ability to produce a special substance known as wyvern milk, which has various uses in the game. But the burning question on every survivor’s mind is: how much wyvern milk do you need?

Gathering Wyvern Milk: A Daunting Task

Before we delve into the quantity of wyvern milk required, let’s address the task of actually obtaining it. Gathering wyvern milk is not for the faint of heart. These creatures are incredibly powerful and protective of their young. To obtain their coveted milk, you’ll need to risk life and limb by either stealing eggs from their nests or defeating the wyverns in combat. So, prepare yourself for an adrenaline-pumping challenge!

Taming Baby Wyverns: The Key to Success

Now, on to the main event! Wyvern milk is primarily used for raising baby wyverns. These adorable little creatures go through various stages of development, and to ensure their survival, it’s crucial to feed them their mother’s milk. Each feeding boosts their growth and allows them to become stronger.

Wyvern Milk Quantity Calculation: It’s Complicated!

Determining the exact amount of wyvern milk needed can be a real head-scratcher. It depends on multiple factors, including the type of wyvern, its level, and the duration of the raising process. For example, a higher-level wyvern may require more milk than a lower-level one. Additionally, the time it takes to raise a baby wyvern varies depending on the server settings.

A General Rule of Thumb

While the exact quantities may differ, as a general rule of thumb, you can expect to need approximately 50 units of wyvern milk per hour of raising a baby wyvern. So, if you’re planning to raise a baby wyvern for 10 hours, you’ll likely need around 500 units of wyvern milk to ensure their healthy growth.

Stocking Up: The More, the Merrier

To avoid any unforeseen circ*mstances and ensure you have an ample supply of wyvern milk, it’s always a good idea to stock up. Collect as much milk as you can before attempting to hatch a baby wyvern. This way, you’ll have a safety net if things don’t go as planned, or if you need to raise multiple wyverns at once.

In conclusion, the quantity of wyvern milk required depends on several factors such as the wyvern’s level and the duration of the raising process. Though a general guideline is around 50 units per hour, it’s always wise to gather more than you think you’ll need. So buckle up, brave survivor, and embark on your daring quest to acquire the precious wyvern milk—your baby wyverns will thank you for it!

Note: This blog post is solely for entertainment purposes and does not constitute real-life advice on wyvern milk.

How Many Wyvern Milk Do You Need? Your Complete Guide - GCELT (2)

FAQ: How Many Wyvern Milk Do You Need

Welcome to our FAQ section where we will answer all your burning questions about wyvern milk in Ark: Survival Evolved. Strap in and get ready to become an expert on feeding these majestic creatures!

How many ac do I need for a crystal Wyvern egg

To hatch a crystal wyvern egg, you will need at least 10 AC (air conditioners) in total. These cool devices will keep the egg at just the right temperature for it to develop and hatch into a beautiful crystal wyvern.

Does the S+ nanny work on wyverns

Yes, the S+ nanny can definitely lend a helping hand when it comes to raising wyverns. This handy contraption will take care of feeding and providing sustenance for your baby wyverns. Trust me, this nanny won’t disappoint!

Can you Cryopod a baby wyvern

Unfortunately, you can’t Cryopod a baby wyvern. They are just too big for those tiny Cryopods to handle. You’ll have to keep them out in the open, pampering them with all the love and wyvern milk they need.

Can baby Crystal Wyverns eat crystal

As much as they may resemble sparkly crystal beings, baby crystal wyverns can’t feast on crystal itself. Their delicate stomachs require the nourishment provided by wyvern milk. So, save the crystal for crafting and give those adorable babies the milk they need.

How often do you feed a baby wyvern

Baby wyverns are pretty demanding when it comes to food. You’ll need to feed them every 3-4 hours. It’s like having a newborn baby with wings, demanding milk on the clock. But hey, the joy of raising these magnificent creatures makes it all worth it!

How do you keep wyvern milk from spoiling

Wyvern milk is as precious as gold in Ark, and you don’t want it to go to waste. To keep it fresh and prevent spoiling, store it in a preserving bin or refrigerator. These nifty devices will ensure your wyvern milk stays cool, delicious, and ready for those hungry baby wyverns.

How much food does a Wyvern lose per hour

Wyverns are known for their voracious appetites, and they lose food at a rate of approximately 1 food point per second. That’s a whole lot of hunger! Be prepared to keep those fridges stocked with meat to satisfy their never-ending hunger pangs.

Do Wyverns drop milk when killed

No, unfortunately, wyverns don’t drop milk when killed. It would have been pretty convenient if they did, right? But hey, it adds a bit more challenge and excitement to the game. So you’ll have to go out and milk those live, breathing wyverns for their precious liquid gold.

Do Wyverns always need milk

Wyverns don’t need milk forever. They do eventually grow out of their milk-drinking phase and transition to eating meat like proper carnivores. Once they reach the juvenile stage, you can bid farewell to the never-ending search for wyvern milk.

Can a Maewing feed a baby wyvern

Absolutely! The Maewing, that adorable creature with its big eyes and nurturing nature, can indeed feed baby wyverns. It produces a special substance called “Maewing’s milk” that can serve as a substitute for wyvern milk. Don’t underestimate the power of a motherly Maewing’s love!

Does wyvern milk spoil in the obelisk

No worries! Wyvern milk doesn’t spoil when stored in the obelisk. It’s like a magical preservation chamber where time stands still. So feel free to keep your wyvern milk secure and fresh in the obelisk until you need it for your hungry wyvern youngsters.

What happens if you don’t give a wyvern milk

If you choose not to give a wyvern milk during its baby stage, well, let’s just say the consequences aren’t pretty. Without the vital nutrients from milk, your baby wyvern won’t grow, and its health will rapidly decline. It’s a grim outcome, so make sure to keep those milk bottles stocked!

What do baby void Wyverns eat

Baby void wyverns are a little different from their counterparts. Instead of milk, they have a taste for Nameless venom. These little mischief-makers will happily slurp up Nameless venom like it’s a gourmet delicacy. It’s like having tiny dragons on a venomous diet – quite fitting, if you ask me!

Can tamed Wyverns mate

Sadly, tamed wyverns have lost the spark of love. They cannot mate, which means you won’t be hatching any eggs from them. They are already tamed and ready to conquer the skies with you, so cherish the ones you have and go on breathtaking adventures together!

Can you put a wyvern egg in the fridge

Of course! If you want to keep your wyvern egg fresh for a longer period, place it in a refrigerator. It’s like giving the egg its own little cozy chill room. Just remember to turn off the “Egg Incubation” option on the fridge, or you might end up with a scrambled wyvern omelet.

How much wyvern milk do you get from a wyvern

When milking a wyvern, you can expect to collect around 50-100 units of this precious liquid per milking session. It’s like striking a jackpot of creamy goodness! Remember, though, that the milk is essential for raising baby wyverns, so save some for those little ones.

Do female Wyverns produce milk

Indeed! Female wyverns are the proud milk producers in the wyvern world. The males may have their hands full with other tasks, but the ladies take charge when it comes to nurturing the next generation. They truly are the maternal heroes of the wyvern realm.

Do Wyverns need milk at Juvenile

No, once they reach the juvenile stage, wyverns bid farewell to their milk cravings. These young wyverns are ready to sink their teeth into meaty meals. It’s a growth milestone where they become more independent and embark on the path to becoming formidable beasts.

How many torches does it take to hatch a wyvern egg

To ensure your wyvern egg’s proper incubation, you’ll need approximately 10-12 standing torches. It’s like creating a cozy campfire of warmth for the egg. Just be careful not to roast it like a marshmallow!

Can you knock out a tamed wyvern to get milk

No, sorry to burst your bubble, but knocking out a tamed wyvern won’t yield any milk. They’ve already been tamed and have lost their milk-producing capabilities. It’s like trying to squeeze water from a rock – simply not going to happen.

How much milk do you need to tame a wyvern in Ark

Wyverns don’t require milk for taming. Instead, they have a special diet of raw meat. So, save that precious milk for the baby wyverns who rely on it for their growth. Taming wyverns is a different ball game altogether, but equally exciting and rewarding!

How do you calculate wyvern food

Calculating wyvern food is surprisingly simple. Wyverns consume 1 food point per second, so you can multiply the number of seconds by 10 to get the food required in minutes. It’s like doing quick mental math while taming these majestic creatures. Show off those arithmetic skills!

Now that you’re armed with all the knowledge about wyvern milk, hatching, and raising these magnificent creatures, go forth and embark on wyvern-filled adventures. Remember, baby wyverns are hungry little critters, so keep that milk flowing and watch them grow into formidable flying beasts!

How Many Wyvern Milk Do You Need? Your Complete Guide - GCELT (2024)


How many wyvern milk do you need? ›

So 1 wyvern milk will sustain a wyvern for 3.33 hours due to it's 1200 food points.

How long can Wyverns last without milk? ›

It is possible to raise a wyvern on OFFICIAL without milk if used every 90 minutes.

Do you really need wyvern milk? ›

You don't need milk to raise a baby, the milk is for imprinting only. Hope this helps, happy hatching! Wyvern Tips | Dododex.

How much food do Wyverns need? ›

Roughly the food consumption rates for wyverns are: Baby 300/hour Juvenile 200/hour Adolescent 100/hour Remember… Wyvern Tips | Dododex.

Can you get milk from the same wyvern twice? ›

Tamed female Wyverns do not have milk in their inventory. Female Wyvern that have been spawned in and forcetamed will have milk in their inventory. This is true even on Official servers such as when a GM or Dev spawns one in. This milk does not refresh again after that.

What is the best wyvern in Ark? ›

-There are 4 types: Fire, Lightning, Poison, and Ice. -Each wyvern has different uses, for example poison wyverns are good for pvp, and lightning wyverns have the highest damage output.

Can tamed female Wyverns produce milk? ›

Wyvern. Tips & Strategies. Hey people need to know that female wyverns produce milk, even tamed ones. So if you get a female wyvern you only need to kill one alpha/female wyvern for milk and after that your set!!!

Can maewing feed Wyverns? ›

Use a maewing to raise. I mean, use maewings for all babies, but I'm pretty sure that you won't need wyvern milk. Same with rock drakes. I managed to grow 2 wyverns with a maewing, taking them both on adventures around the map.

How long does wyvern milk last in a preserving bin? ›

Wyvern. Tips & Strategies. Milk will last almost 10 hours on the island if you use a preserving bin with preserving salt. You must refill the preserving salt every 2 hours though.

Can you use a snow owl to raise a wyvern? ›

Snow Owl. Tips & Strategies

A must have for anyone. It can dive, giving it good movement, and allowing you to possibly outmaneuver a wyvern.. It can heal all Allies, itself and yourself with its main ability. You can raise Wyverns by just healing them every 15-20 minutes (no need for milk!

Do baby Wyverns only eat milk? ›

It should be noted that Wyvern milk is the only food a Wyvern will take before the adult stage.

Can you get wyvern milk from killing Wyverns? ›

When the egg hatches, you will have to take care of the wyvern until it grows. You have to do the things that the wyvern asks you to do. The hardest one is to give it wyvern milk. To acquire this you need to knock out an adult wyvern or kill an Alfa.

Can wyverns hatch twins? ›

Wyvern Eggs have a 10% chance to hatch twins and a 2% chance to hatch triplets.

Do wyverns regenerate milk? ›

They can hatch and wonder around for hours before starving. Female Wyverns need to be knocked out to get 5 milk from their inventory. Milk does not refresh. And if it wakes up again and gets knocked back out, milk vanishes out of the inventory forever even if re-tranked. Kill the female once you get the milk.

How many Tranq darts for wyvern? ›

like any other dino, it's going to be different depending on the level of the wyvern and the level of your longneck rifle, but assuming it's a basic rifle, a lvl 150 wyvern and you never miss the hit box I think you should need around 40 darts. been a while sense I had to knock one out.

How long does it take for wyvern milk to Respawn? ›

You can not reset the timer, as far as I'm aware, though as long as the wyvern stays rendered and trapped, it will produce milk after about an hour. (As in, can tranq it for a new batch.)

How long does it take to raise a wyvern? ›

It takes around 3 days and 20 hours to grow to an adult and they will take Wyvern Milk for imprinting and petting but can be rare prompt. Using Adobe structures can greatly reduce the amount of heat or insulation sources needed.

How do you get wyvern milk easily? ›

The hardest one is to give it wyvern milk. To acquire this you need to knock out an adult wyvern or kill an Alfa. BUT THERE IS A MUCH EASIER WAY. If you have cryopods, try taking your wyvern in the cryopod and then let it out.


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