How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (2024)

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Learn How-to Make Cold Brew Coffeewith thissurprisingly simpleprocess. It takes just three simple steps to the best cold brew coffee you’ll ever have. No super special equipment needed, it’s much more affordable than your localcoffee shops and you can customize the strength of your cold brew to your liking.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (1)

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (2)

Ithas happened slowly over the last year or so, as my body and my health has continued to shift and improve, but I have developed a pretty solid morning habitthat involves a quality cup of organic coffee shortly after I rise. I have come to find that this morning routineserves many purposes for me, personally, but most importantly, I find it’s a really beautifulmorning ritual, something that I greatly enjoy and always allow myself the space to honor and totally embrace, no matter where in the world I am.

Often I am asked “is coffee good for you?” As you can probably imagine, my answer to this question is quite similar tohow I respondto many other food and health related questions and that is – “it depends”.

I can tell you that when my health was at it’s worst, I couldn’t tolerate coffee at all, not even in the smallest of amounts. It took serious gut healing, managing chronic fatigue and getting my liver detoxified, along withmany other advancements to my health, to finally being able to enjoy coffee again. I can also tell you that while most mornings that you’ll find me with a cup of java, I also give my body a break, often, replacing my coffee with matcha some mornings, or even an herbal tea (to be certain that I am not dependent on the caffeine). As usual, I just generally stay in tune with what my body needs, day by day.

There is plenty of research that links drinking coffee with a slew of health benefits, including lower risk of cancer, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease.

The list of benefits from coffee can bequite longand while beneficial for some, coffee can alsobe harmful to others. There are many factors that come into play with coffee and it’s healthfulness, one of the most fascinating being simply justgenetics and your body’s ability to metabolize the caffeine.

If you are struggle to function without caffeine, if you are noticing headaches related to your coffee consumption, stomach upset or disrupted sleep I would be willing to be your daily coffee habit could have something to do with it.

Additionally, as you can imagine,dousing your daily cup of Joe in crappy-quality creamers or flavored milks, sugar, and other sweeteners and flavorings, you can be sure you are missing out on any of the therapeutic benefits and potentially causing more harm than good, to your health.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (3)

So, as not to turn this into a post about the benefits of coffee, I’ll direct you to the experts. I really really love this amazing post from Chris Kresser, All About Coffee, that discusses this all in further detail, as well his podcast entitled,Is Drinking Coffee Good for You?in which hecoverssome of the non-genetic factors that determine individual response to coffee. I also really love this post from Dr. Mercola discussing the various benefits of drinking coffee.

All of this is tosay that there is really no one solid answer, to the question “is coffee good for you?”.

I obviously tell my clients with chronic sleep issues and disruptions, decreased adrenal functionoradrenal fatigue, blood sugar handling problems, etc. to proceed with caution and to listen to and take notice of how their body responds to coffee.For many of my clients who are unsure if coffee and caffeine are contributing to negative health effects they are experiencing, if theyare currently regular coffee drinkers, I encourage them reduce their consumption of coffee slowly, over a 3 to 4 week period, along with other sources of caffeine and from there to take note of how they are feeling without it and see how they respond as they add it back in.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (4)

What Type of Coffee is Best – Why Organic Matters

Coffee (and tea for that matter) is a heavily pesticide and herbacide-contaminated crop, so I cannot stress enough how important it is to always choose organic. Organic coffee contains no chemicals or synthetic fertilizers. The beans have a richer flavor and come with natural antioxidants. Organic coffee is moresustainable for the farms that grow it and obviously muchbetter for theenvironment, too.

Coffee is a shade-loving plant, but growers often strip forests to make growing and harvesting easier. This destroys the ecological habitat of many natural pest deterrents, such as birds and lizards, while the pests flourish, resulting in additional pesticide use.

The downward spiral to the environment involves chemical run-off, erosion and potentially contaminated water supplies. Organic, shade-grown coffee, which is superior, is available at numerous retail markets, but you can also order it online. It’s also best to purchase coffee in whole bean form and grind it yourself, just prior to brewing to prevent rancidity caused by the oils being released and oxidizing in contact with the air. Pre-ground coffee may be rancid by the time you drink it.

These days my go-to organic, small batch beans come from our friends at ThunderKing Brewing.

How-to Make Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Brew Coffee is one of my favorite ways to enjoy a quality cup of java, especially in the summer months. I find that cold brew coffee is much smoother and tastier, it has a natural sweetness, you really get to enjoy the taste of the quality beans you brew from and it’s super refreshing and reallysimple to make. It’s literally just 3 easy steps. Grind, Steep, Filter – ENJOY!

Cold Brew Coffee is lower in acidity than most other brews because the beans are never subjected to the heat of hot boiling water, so chemically it’s quite different than your usual drip coffee, French press and even pour over coffee.

Because cold brew coffee is already chilled and is made concentrated, you don’t end up with a diluted cup of sub par iced down drip coffee, so you can actually enjoy astronger cup of coffee, as well. Higher concentration = higher caffeine (this can obviously be very easily adjusted by adding as much water as you would like, ice cubes, quality creams or milks (dairy or non-dairy), etc.

What’s great about cold brewing your own coffee: everyone prefers adifferent cup of coffee. It takes some experimenting and playing to find your perfect cup of coffee.With a batch of cold brew concentrate crafted at homeyou can satisfy all typesof coffee drinkers.

Tools Needed:

  • Coffee Grinder
  • Pitcher, large jar, container or French Press
  • Long handled wooden spoon
  • Fine Mesh Sieve
  • Cheesecloth or cotton sack

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (5)

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (6)


I find a ratio of 1 to 4 to yield the best results, personally. That is 1 cup beans to 4 cups of filtered water. For an even stronger brew try 1 cup of beans to 3 cups of filtered water, this is certainly a personal preference and the more you make your cold brew, the more you will find your perfect ratio.

A very coarse grind on the beans (ground just prior to brewing) yields the best results. A fine grind makes for cloudy coffee and sentiment that settles to the bottom, making for a sludgy cup of cold brew. I find using a paper funnel, a pour over filter with the bottom cut out and rolled into a funnel or even just a wide mouthed funnel, to make it easier when pouring in the ground coffee.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (7)

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (8)


Add the coarsely ground beans to your container of choice. I choose to use an oversized mason jar with a lid, but you can use a bowl, a large French press, pitcher, container, etc. Plastic, glass, ceramic, they will all work. Using your desired ratio, top the beans with the filtered water, it can be room temperature or cold, just not hot! Give it a good stir to make sure that all the coffee grounds are moistened. Top with a lid or cheesecloth.

Let steep for a minimum of 12 hours, but I find 16-24 hours to yield the best results. Again, you’ll find the right timing. If you brew for too long or too strong, it will be more acidic and you can adjust next time, as needed.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (9)

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (10)


Line a large mesh sieve with cheesecloth and pour the mixture through, giving it a few minutes to fully drop through and you can then give the cheese cloth a good squeeze or press down on the ground to get as much of the liquid out as you can.

Alternatively, you can use a French press and press down the plunger to press the grounds to the bottom.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (11)

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (12)

That’s it. You have Cold Brew Coffee. Generally this should be treated as a concentrate, you can add ice and little additional water, milk, coconut milk, almond, hazelnut or any other nut milk, etc. to get it to your desired strength. Keep covered, chill and store your cold brew in the fridgeand enjoy however you’d like. I like a little full fat coconut milk (and usually a little MCT oil and occasionally collagen – read more about Boosted Coffee) and on the rare occasion, I’ll add a little baby splash of raw milk heavy cream, for a really rich treat. If you are looking for a little flavor, try my homemade French Vanilla Dairy-free Coffee Creamer


  • use coarsely ground organic beans for best results
  • always use filtered water for the best tasting cold brew
  • steep for at least 12 hours (I find 16-24 to yield the best results)
  • keep your cold brew chilled. It will keep for up to 2 weeks

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (13)

How-to Make Cold Brew Coffee

gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, keto, FODMAP, whole30

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Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 12 hours hours

Total Time: 12 hours hours 10 minutes minutes

Servings: 1 quart


  • 1 cup organic coffee beans
  • 4 cups filtered water


  • Coarsely grind the coffee beans in your grinder, using short, quick pulses. You want a coarse grind the beans, finely ground beans will produce a cloudy cold brew.

  • Add the coffee grounds to whatever large jar, pitcher or container you are using. Pour the filtered water over the coffee grounds, and stir well with a long-handled spoon to thoroughly saturate the grounds.

  • Cover the jar to protect it from dust, dirt, bugs, using a lid or cheesecloth.

  • Let steep for at least 12 hours, I find 16-24 hours to yield the best results.

  • Filter the coffee by setting up a strainer/fine mesh sieve with cheesecloth, four sack towel or cotton nut milk bag. Pour the cold brew through, pressing down on or squeezing the grounds.

  • Store the cold brew coffee in whatever container you'd like. Cover and place into the fridge.

  • Store for up to two weeks.

  • Serve the coffee over ice, diluting it as much as you'd like with water, milk, nut milk, etc.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee | Tasty Yummies Recipe (2024)


What is the best ratio for cold brew coffee? ›

Remember: most people agree that a 1:15 to 1:18 ratio is ideal for balanced strength for regular coffee. However, some people like to drink their cold brew coffee a little stronger—around a 1:10 to 1:14 ratio—because once you add ice (and some of it melts), you end up at a balanced strength.

How do you make cold brew taste better? ›

5 Tips for Better Cold Brew at Home
  1. Picking the Right Roast.
  2. Optimizing Your Grind.
  3. Using the Best Water.
  4. Controlling Your Temperature.
  5. Locking Out Air.
May 14, 2021

What is the golden ratio for cold brew? ›

Now let me show you the actual Golden Ratios: 1:15 to 1:18 (coffee to water). In here is where most people find the coffee to be at that sweet spot, though there are a few exceptions, like with espresso, for example.

How much coffee do you use for 4 cups of cold brew? ›

I prefer a slightly less intense cold brew concentrate, so I usually use ¾ cup coffee grounds for every 4 cups of water.

What not to do when making cold brew coffee? ›

Cold Brew Common Mistakes You Would Never Make
  1. Using the Good Beans. ...
  2. Grinding the Beans Too Fine. ...
  3. Using the Wrong Ratio. ...
  4. Freaking Out about the Water Temperature. ...
  5. Not Diluting the Concentrate. ...
  6. Storing it Too Long in the Fridge.
Jun 16, 2016

Why is my homemade cold brew bitter? ›

Grinding the coffee too fine.

A fine grind for this coffee will leave you with a bitter cold brew. Try this: Grind the beans to a coarse grind, about the texture of coarse sugar, grinding in batches if needed for a big batch (trust us — you'll want to make a big batch of this stuff).

Why is my homemade cold brew so weak? ›

You didn't put enough coffee. Cold brewing requires a smaller water to coffee ratio than brewing with hot water, like 3–4 times more coffee. You didn't steep it long enough. I normally let it steep for 12-16 hours at room temperature, or 20-24 hours in the fridge.

Can I use regular ground coffee for cold brew? ›

While it's best to grind your coffee beans just before brewing for maximum freshness, you can use pre-ground coffee if that's what you have on hand. Just make sure it's a coarse grind.

How many scoops of coffee for cold brew? ›

Use 4 Tbsp (22 g) of grounds for every cup (6 fl oz) of water. Fill the press with cold or room-temperature water. Gently stir the grounds a few times with a spoon.

Is it better to use regular coffee grounds for cold brew? ›

Yes, you can use regular ground coffee for cold brew. In fact, many people prefer using regular ground coffee over coarser grind sizes for cold brew because it tends to produce a stronger and more concentrated flavor.

Should I put sugar in my cold brew? ›

Sure. If you're concerned about the sugar dissolving in cold water, you might consider dissolving the sugar in about 30 milliliters of lukewarm water and then adding that to your cold brew coffee.

What can I add to cold brew to make it sweeter? ›

A bit of sweetness

It's best to add liquid sweeteners to the cold brew, others will be hard to dissolve. Maple syrup, honey or molasses will work great. Although I don't use sweeteners myself, I think that many people will like this option and it will be a sweet “cherry on top”.

What sweetener to add to cold brew? ›

If you are looking for a healthier alternative to sweeten your cold brew, you can also add less refined sweeteners such as:
  1. Pure Maple Syrup.
  2. Date Syrup.
  3. Agave.
  4. Coconut Sugar (Dissolved in hot water before adding to avoid a grainy texture)
Feb 3, 2023

What is the best ratio for cold brew ounces? ›

That's about 24 ounces of water and a 1:8 ratio. This will leave you with a smooth, drinkable brew. If you prefer to make a concentrate, increase the amount of ground coffee you use to make the brew stronger. So, 6 ounces of coffee for that same 24 ounces of water will get you a double strong batch at a 1:4 ratio.

How much coffee do I need for 1 cup of cold brew? ›

Basic Cold Brew Coffee Ratio

A kitchen scale will come in handy if you have one, but it's not necessary. You're making cold brew concentrate, and you can dilute the concentrate to taste once it's finished. Per 1 cup of water, you'll need 1 ounce (by weight) coarsely ground coffee.

What is the ratio of caffeine in cold brew coffee? ›

Caffeine: How Much Do They Contain? Cold Brew: Cold brew usually contains around 200 mg of caffeine per 16 ounces. Iced Coffee: Iced coffee has an average caffeine level of about 85 mg per 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee.


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Name: Jonah Leffler

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