What is Prop Trading? (2024)

If you've ever looked for a job that focuses on making profits in the markets, you’ll probably go down the rabbit hole of learning about proprietary trading, also known as prop trading. But what is prop trading? Prop trading is a trading activity where financial firms use their capital to trade in the financial markets to earn profits. However, this field is highly demanding and competitive, requiring exceptional skills, knowledge and discipline. So, if you're interested in discovering the intricacies of prop trading, read on.

Table of Contents

  • How Does Prop Trading Work?
  • History of Proprietary Trading
  • Types of Proprietary Trading Firms
  • Regulation and Risks in Prop Trading
  • Skills and Qualifications for Prop Traders
  • Benefits of Proprietary Trading
  • Challenges and Outlook of Prop Trading
  • Successful Prop Trading Example
  • Best Prop Trading Firms
  • Prop Trading: Complex, Rewarding Frontier
  • Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Prop Trading Work?

Proprietary trading involves financial firms trading in the financial markets using their capital instead of acting as an intermediary for clients. Rather than making money from commissions by trading for clients, firms take positions to potentially pocket the full profit from trades. Traders within these firms use the company's resources to trade stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities and derivatives.

Traders may have autonomy over their trading strategies and decisions as long as they stick to the firm's risk management guidelines and meet performance targets. Profits generated by the prop traders are shared with the company, and traders also bear a percentage of the losses incurred.

History of Proprietary Trading

Initially, proprietary trading was used to describe trading desks within investment banks that use the bank's funds to trade securities. These traders work separately from the teams that are managing bank clients.

However, after the 2008 financial crisis, the Volcker Rule prohibited banking entities from engaging in proprietary trading, which meant that financial institutions began to separate their investment banking and proprietary trading teams from lending departments. This regulation led to a decline in proprietary desks within banks and the growth of independent proprietary trading firms, commonly known as prop shops.

Most prop shops are specialized entities that manage capital allocated between traders. Profits and losses are shared with traders based on predetermined percentages. While some firms hire selective talent, others provide opportunities to individuals who pass specific tests or pay fees.

Types of Proprietary Trading Firms

Proprietary trading firms can be categorized by the markets they operate in, their strategies and their organizational structure. Here are some common types of prop trading firms and how they function.

TypeHow it Works
EquitiesEquities prop trading firms trade stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and other equity-related instruments using fundamental and technical analysis to identify trading opportunities. They may also engage in market-making by buying and selling securities at specified prices, providing liquidity to the market. These firms offer high leverage to their traders and have low barriers to entry.
ForexForex prop trading firms specialize in trading currencies and their derivatives. They use macroeconomic and sentiment analysis, as well as arbitrage strategies, to exploit price differences between currency pairs. Despite having high capital requirements and strict risk management rules, they offer traders high leverage and low commissions.
Commodities and FuturesProprietary trading firms specializing in commodities use different strategies to capitalize on price movements in markets of oil, gold and agricultural products. These markets are highly volatile and illiquid, providing high returns and risks.
Fixed-Income SecuritiesThese firms trade fixed-income securities such as bonds, notes and other debt instruments. They use different strategies to benefit from changes in the yield curve, credit spreads or bond prices. Trading in fixed-income securities is usually considered low -risk with stable returns, high liquidity and low margins.
DerivativesProprietary trading firms specializing in derivatives use statistical analysis, mathematical models and hedging strategies to trade complex financial instruments that derive value from underlying assets. These firms may offer high rewards but require advanced skills and tools in quantitative finance and programming because of the high complexity and leverage.
Algorithmic and High-FrequencyProprietary trading firms that use algorithms and computer programs to execute trades rapidly. They employ machine learning, artificial intelligence or big data analysis to generate trading signals, optimize execution or exploit market inefficiencies. These firms rely on cutting-edge technology and infrastructure to process large amounts of data and execute a high volume of trades.

Regulation and Risks in Prop Trading

Proprietary trading is governed by regulations and oversight, which vary depending on the jurisdiction, market and firm. The following are some of the standard rules that impact prop trading.

  • Volcker rule: The Volcker Rule was introduced in the U.S. after the 2008 financial crisis as part of the Dodd-Frank Act. It limits banks and their affiliates from engaging in prop trading and using depositor funds for speculative purposes. Banks are required to separate their prop trading activities from client-related activities and report their prop trading activities to regulators.
  • MiFID II: The EU implemented this directive in 2018 as part of EMIR to improve financial market transparency and efficiency and protect investors. The directive mandates prop traders to register as market makers, limit dark pool trading and report trades and positions to regulators.
  • Basel III: This framework was developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in response to the 2008 financial crisis to enhance the banking system's stability and reduce systemic risk. The framework imposes higher capital, liquidity and leverage ratios on banks regarding their trading activities, impacting prop trading.

Prop trading carries risks, such as market, liquidity, credit, operational and legal risks. Prop traders must know these risks and use appropriate risk management tools and techniques, such as stop-loss orders, hedging, diversification and stress testing.

Skills and Qualifications for Prop Traders

Prop trading is a highly competitive and demanding field that requires specific skills and qualifications to succeed. Key skills for prop traders include:

  • Analytical skills: Prop traders use data analysis to make educated decisions based on market patterns and trends, understand market fundamentals and technicals and utilize various tools and models to support their analysis.
  • Quantitative skills: Prop traders use mathematics, statistics and programming to create and evaluate their trading strategies and algorithms. They should know various software and platforms, including Excel, Python, R, MATLAB, MetaTrader and Bloomberg.
  • Psychological skills: To be a successful prop trader, you must possess mental and emotional discipline, self-control, confidence, motivation and the ability to handle stress, uncertainty and volatility.
  • Communication skills: Prop traders need to possess strong communication skills to work effectively with colleagues, managers and regulators. They must present their ideas and results clearly and convincingly, work well in a team and collaborate and cooperate with others.

Prop traders typically have a degree in finance, economics, engineering, mathematics, computer science or related fields. Some traders have advanced degrees or professional certifications like CFA, FRM or CAIA or personal trading experience.

Benefits of Proprietary Trading

Proprietary trading is a lucrative career option for skilled and passionate traders. It offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • High earnings potential: Prop traders can earn a lot of money through a combination of salary, bonus and profit share. Top performers can substantial amounts annually, perhaps above six figures.
  • Career growth opportunities: Prop trading provides a promising career path for traders, allowing them to advance from junior to senior positions. Traders can also leverage their skills and experience to pursue other careers such as hedge fund manager, portfolio manager, financial analyst or consultant.
  • Creative freedom: Prop trading provides traders with freedom and flexibility to pursue their interests, choose their own trading style, strategy, market and instrument and experiment with different approaches and techniques. Prop traders can enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of solving complex problems and finding profitable opportunities.

Challenges and Outlook of Prop Trading

Prop trading is a highly competitive industry in a dynamic marketplace that moves quickly because of advancements in technology and innovation. Prop traders must continuously improve their skills and knowledge to adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands while facing pressure from their firms and peers to maintain high performance and quality.

Regulations and oversight have become more stringent and complex, reducing opportunities and accessibility of capital, liquidity and information. Additionally, prop traders must anticipate and prepare for the potential impacts of disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Successful Prop Trading Example

Jane Street is a highly successful prop trading firm founded in New York in 2000. The company is known for its global liquidity provision and market making. Jane Street traded more than $17 trillion worth of securities in 2020, putting it among the largest traders globally. The company also boasted a $10.6 billion revenue in the year ended in March 2021.

The success of Jane Street can be attributed to its use of cutting-edge technology and hiring some of the best and brightest talent in the industry. The company's culture is flat and collaborative, encouraging everyone to share their ideas and opinions and learn from each other.

Best Prop Trading Firms

Choosing the best prop trading firm depends on the location, market, strategy, compensation, training, support and fit. However, based on general criteria, such as size, reputation, performance, diversity and innovation, here are some of the best prop trading firms in the world.

  • Apex Trader Funding

    securely through Apex Trader Funding's website

    securely through Apex Trader Funding's website

    Best For:

    Beginner Future Traders


    Read Review

  • securely through My Funded Futures's website

    securely through My Funded Futures's website

    Best For:

    Undercapitalized Futures Investors


    Read Review

  • Tradiac

    securely through Tradiac's website

    securely through Tradiac's website

    Best For:

    Experienced Yet Undercapitalized Forex Traders


    Read Review

  • SurgeTrader

    securely through SurgeTrader's website

    securely through SurgeTrader's website

    Best For:

    Accelerated Trader Funding


  • Trade The Pool

    securely through Trade The Pool's website

    securely through Trade The Pool's website

    Best For:

    Stock Traders


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  • The5ers

    securely through The5ers's website

    securely through The5ers's website

    Best For:

    Experienced and beginner forex, indices and metal traders


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  • Top One Trader.

    securely through Top One Trader.'s website

    securely through Top One Trader.'s website

    Best For:

    Seasoned and Undercapitalized Traders


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  • SabioTrade

    securely through SabioTrade's website

    securely through SabioTrade's website

    Best For:

    Traders with exquisite trading knowledge


    Read Review

Prop Trading: Complex, Rewarding Frontier

Proprietary trading is a field where firms use their capital to try to earn market profits. Success in this field requires hard work, technical expertise and adaptability. However, challenges like competition and a fast-paced industry mean firms have plenty to keep up with.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do prop traders get paid?


Prop traders typically get paid through salary, bonuses and a share of the firm’s profits.


Is prop trading worth it?


Whether prop trading is worth it depends on individual preferences and goals. It can offer high earning potential but also involves significant risks and requires strong trading and risk management skills.


Are prop trading firms broker-dealers?


Prop trading firms can be broker-dealers but not all are. The classification depends on the specific activities and services offered by each firm.

What is Prop Trading? (2024)


What is Prop Trading? ›

Proprietary trading, commonly referred to as prop trading, involves financial firms, especially those specializing in securities, equities, derivatives, forex, and the futures markets, trading their own money for direct profit, rather than earning commission by trading on behalf of clients.

What is prop trading? ›

What is Proprietary Trading? Proprietary Trading (Prop Trading) occurs when a bank or firm trades stocks, derivatives, bonds, commodities, or other financial instruments in its own account, using its own money instead of using clients' money.

What does prop mean in trading? ›

Proprietary trading, which is also known as "prop trading," occurs when a trading desk at a financial institution, brokerage firm, investment bank, hedge fund, or other liquidity source uses the firm's capital and balance sheet to conduct self-promoting financial transactions.

How do you pass prop trading? ›

Tips for Passing a Prop Firm Trading Challenge
  1. Understand the Rules of Engagement: ...
  2. Master Your Trading Strategy: ...
  3. Risk Management is Non-Negotiable: ...
  4. Leverage Your Analytical Skills: ...
  5. Stay Disciplined and Patient: ...
  6. Continuous Learning is the Key: ...
  7. Embrace Feedback and Adapt: ...
  8. Simulate Real Trading Conditions:
Feb 5, 2024

Is prop trading worth it? ›

While prop trading is one of the most profitable opportunities, it is affected by asymmetric risk. This means that the profit-sharing ratio may be from 75% to 90%, but you bear 100% of the risk of your trades. When becoming a prop trader, you often need to deposit an amount of money known as your risk contribution.

Why is prop trading illegal? ›

The Volcker Rule is one of the more controversial pieces of legislation to emerge from the financial crisis. Attached to the Dodd-Frank Act, the rule was intended to limit banks' ability to make speculative investments that do not benefit their customers.

Is prop trading legal? ›

(a) Prohibition. Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, a banking entity may not engage in proprietary trading. Proprietary trading means engaging as principal for the trading account of the banking entity in any purchase or sale of one or more financial instruments.

Is prop trading risky? ›

Why Is It Risky? For retirees, the primary concern with prop trading lies in the volatility and complexity of financial markets. Unlike more traditional retirement income sources, such as pensions or annuities, prop trading can lead to substantial losses in a short period, potentially jeopardizing financial security.

Do prop traders make money? ›

Prop traders make all or most of their income from splitting profits they generate in financial markets with the prop firm that provides them with capital.

How does prop trading make money? ›

Proprietary trading firms make money by executing trades in the financial markets and making returns on their trades. These firms use various strategies, including arbitrage, swing trading, and algorithmic trading, to capitalise on market inefficiencies, trends, and volatility. The profits come from successful trades.

What if a prop trader loses money? ›

Profits from trades are generally divided between the firm and the prop trader; however, the risk distribution is asymmetric. This means that in the event of a loss, the trader bears 100% of the losses, while they don't receive 100% of the profits.

What happens if you lose money prop trading? ›

When you are trading with a prop firm, your losses are usually limited to the foregone risk of your challenge/account fee. You are generally not liable for the prop firm's lost funds.

Is prop trading stressful? ›

One of the biggest challenges some prop traders face is excessive anxiety. I know anxiety in trading is natural, but too much of it can ruin prop trading success. As a prop trader, you want to make sure you regulate your stress and anxiety level and stay emotionally healthy as much as you can.

Is it hard to pass a funded account? ›

Before you sign up for a funded account challenge you must be sure that you are ready as a person and as a trader for this endeavor, which is both challenging and demanding. A good sign that you are ready would be having in your track record at least a few months of consistently making profitable trades.

How much do prop traders make a year? ›

The average prop trading salary in the USA is $210,000 per year or $101 per hour. Entry level positions start at $146,300 per year while most experienced workers make up to $250,000 per year.

Do prop traders make good money? ›

Senior Traders often earn between $500K and $1 million, and Partners can earn over $1 million per year. Base salaries do not necessarily change that much as you move up, so most of these gains come from increased bonuses.

Do prop traders make a lot of money? ›

The salary of a prop trader can vary greatly depending on several factors such as experience, performance, and the size of the firm. On average, a junior prop trader can expect to earn anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000 per year, while a senior trader can make upwards of $500,000 annually.

How do prop traders get paid? ›

Prop firms, or proprietary trading firms, give traders access to simulated capital. In return, the traders agree to give the firm a percentage of their profits. Traders normally have access to various markets, including crypto, Forex, and even the news.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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