Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (2024)

Updated: by Max · This post may contain affiliate links · 19 Comments

I generally prefer to develop my own recipes and pick & choose what flavors to highlight. But despite how long we were all trapped at home during the pandemic— theoretically making sourdough bread— I spent that whole time avoiding it.

But I started searching for low histamine bread options many months ago, after lasting over a year eating only bread alternatives like sliced squash and rice cakes. So for now, rather than trying to develop a low histamine bread recipe of my own, I've pulled together a guide to all the ones already out there!

Medical Disclaimer: as with everything on this site, this article is provided for information only. I strongly urge you to speak with your doctor or a licensed medical professional in order to assess whether or not you have histamine issues, and/or which foods cause a histamine release for you personally. Every body is different, and some people will tolerate different foods than you do. Please keep comments respectful.

Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (1)
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  • 📌 Notes on Histamine and Bread
  • 🥞 Low Histamine Soda Breads
  • 🥖 Low Histamine Sweet Breads
  • 🧇 Miscellaneous Low Histamine Breads
  • 🍞 Low Histamine Bread Products (USA)
  • 💬 Comments

📌 Notes on Histamine and Bread

The recipes below are all organized by type. Keep in mind that even though all the ingredients in each recipe are low histamine, we all have different sensitivities, such as lectins, oxalates, and sweeteners.

In fact, just under a year after my initial switch to low histamine, I decided to try a bread from my supermarket, a yeast-containing spelt bread from what I believed was the gluten-free section of the freezer.

I had no reaction, but since I quit grains at the end of 2022, I have felt immeasurably better, with almost no mental health issues. All of that is to say, histamine intolerance is complicated and manifests differently in every person afflicted with it. Some of you may be fine with spelt, but if not, there are plenty of spelt flour substitutes for both baking and bread making.

Spelt Flour Substitute Options

SIGHI actually notes wheat as being a 1 out of 3, despite gluten's terrible reputation. That's why I decided to write this post; it can be difficult and frustrating to sort through all the recipes online for one you can tolerate, and not everyone is lucky enough to find a reasonable option at their local market.

However, for those who are also located in the USA, below the recipes are a few low histamine bread brands & products that I've tried over the last couple weeks and not reacted to. But please note that all of them are American brands and are very unlikely to be available internationally.

Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (2)
Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (3)

🥞 Low Histamine Soda Breads

Rice Flour Bread

Possible Triggers: honey, white vinegar, xanthan gum (can be subbed).

This recipe reminds me of my dairy-free waffles and favorite store-bought brand, which is made with cassava flour and come frozen, to be microwaved and then extensively toasted so as to make them delicious. It's one of the most "typical" bread recipes on this list.

However, it does need to be handled with a bit of care to remind you of store bought loaves. While it's also of free of yeast and eggs, it does still contain some ingredients which may cause inflammation, and that could irritate your base level histamine if your histamine "bucket" is full.

Simple Soda Bread

Possible Triggers: buttermilk (recipe includes dairy-free alternative).

All of the other low histamine breads on this page indicate specific low histamine flours to use in their recipe, but this one just says to use a "gluten-free flour blend."

That does simplify things, but for those of you who can't tolerate store-bought blends, this is a great resource for making your own. Otherwise, this may also be the simplest recipe on this list!

🥖 Low Histamine Sweet Breads

Zucchini Bread

Possible Triggers: eggs, vanilla and cinnamon

If you're unfamiliar with zucchini bread, it's basically the slightly more savory answer to banana bread. Its base is a dark blend of flours of your choosing, though Marie's use of a quinoa and oat blend is delectable.

It also sneaks in some antihistamine foods, like pumpkin seeds and dates. This is the perfect low histamine bread to spread ghee or butter & jam on, or even having in the morning with eggs.

Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (5)

Faux Banana Bread

Possible Triggers: no common ones!

I'll admit to never having been a huge fan of banana bread even before developing a histamine intolerance. But this sweet potato-based bread offers such a comforting blend of flavors that it's hard not to crave a slice.

Unlike the zucchini bread, this one is vinegar- and egg-free, and it's decidedly intended to fulfill your sweets craving. Plus, it's free of any common HIT triggers!

Anti-inflammatory Fruit Bread

Possible Triggers: coconut sugar (if eating larger amounts).

Healing Histamine has been an amazing resource for histamine intolerance sufferers for many years, and this well-balances sweet bread is no different. The recipe itself is a bit difficult to read, but it's made with a sorghum flour base and a small pile of low histamine fruits and veggies.

All the ingredients are not only low histamine but actively healing. The author, the late Yasmina, recommends serving it homemade cherry jam, but I'm sure it'd also be delicious with a drizzle of date syrup.

Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (6)

🧇 Miscellaneous Low Histamine Breads

Everything Bagel Bread

Possible Triggers: eggs.

I wasn't really sure where to put this one, but it reminds me a lot of the "keto cloud bread" that my friend made many months ago. The base is a combination of eggs and a bit of macadamia butter and tiger nut flour, among a few other things, plus the delectable "everything" seasoning of bagels.

Beth O'Hara, the author of this recipe, also has a cassava flatbread recipe that may be more suitable if you're looking for something more munchable.

Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (7)
Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (8)

🍞 Low Histamine Bread Products (USA)

Julian Bakery's Almond Bread

This is a gluten-free option that's also paleo, keto, and crunchier than all get out. It has a nutty flavor profile due to the almond flour, and it's a good alternative for sandwiches or toast, especially with butter, ghee, or a butter and ghee substitute.

Base Culture 7 Nut & Seed Bread

This is the grain-free bread I keep in our freezer year-round. It combines almonds, sunflower seeds, and arrowroot starch, among other nuts and seeds to create a nutrient-dense, low histamine bread. Its rich and crispy texture, along with the nutty and earthy flavor, make it ideal for a sandwich or as a snack with spread.

Base Culture Original Keto Bread

This is an even simpler version of my favorite nutty bread. It's known for its simple ingredient list, including almond butter, flax seeds, and eggs, which does mean it's not really vegan friendly. It does, however, provide a nutrient-packed, low-carb option with a classic bread flavor versatile enough for both sweet and savory dishes, such as French toast or a deli-style sandwich.

Siete Brand Chickpea Flour Tortillas

These have a slight chickpea flavor and a sturdy texture that holds up well to fillings. They're perfect for creating mozzarella quesadillas or burritos, providing a grain-free option for anyone with histamine issues.

Siete Brand Cassava Flour Tortillas

These are a neutral-flavored alternative that mimics the taste and texture of a classic wheat tortilla, with none of the irritants. They're versatile enough for any dish, from soft tacos to mini pizzas, though I've only used them for chicken quesadillas.

Siete Brand Almond Flour Tortillas

These offer another soft and pliable alternative to traditional tortillas, with a subtly sweet and nutty taste from the almond flour, though you can also make your own. These tortillas are best used for making enchiladas, tacos, or wraps.

Swapples Brand Blueberry Waffles

These are a unique, fruity option for a low histamine diet. With their sweet blueberry flavor and satisfyingly crunchy waffle texture, they serve as a perfect breakfast treat or snack, pairing well with a pat of butter and syrup or your favorite maple syrup substitute.

Do you have a go-to low histamine bread recipe or brand?

More Breads

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  1. Barb Sullivan says

    Most if not all of the breads you mention contain salicylates. Maybe I didn't pose the question properly


    • Max says

      I think I may have missed your question-- could you ask it again?


  2. Janice says

    any store bought breads that are low oxalate and low histamine?? am losing scary amount of weight. Ty if you can help. Blessings


    • Max says

      I'm so sorry you're dealing with that. I'm not as familiar with low oxalate options, but I googled and found The Kidney Dietician, and from their list, the following common bread ingredients are low oxalate (I left out anything high histamine): oat flour, barley, tapioca flour, cassava flour, white rice (flour) but not brown rice flour, corn (flour), coconut, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pecans, pistachios, and macadamias. Unfortunately my favorite grain-free bread is almond-based, and I went through the list again to see if any are already low oxalate, but no dice. However I think you could still make this low histamine bread but swapping the brown rice flour for oat: https://lowhistaminebaby.com/recipes/low-histamine-bread-gf-df-egg-free-yeast-free/ or you could look for cassava flour or chickpea flour wraps from the Siete brand, which are all made with just a few low histamine ingredients.

      Also, I'm not a doctor so this isn't medical advice by any means, just a thought, but in one of my Master's classes right now we're breaking down optimal nutrition into the granular. And if you're losing weight rapidly but know that histamine & oxalate are your main problems, the three things I would start doing today are: eat 4-5 smaller meals a day to make digestion more effective, incorporate high-fat non-meat foods into every meal (meats are hard to digest, so try tolerated nuts and seeds, full-fat dairy, etc.), and take at least 5 deep breaths before every single meal. Make sure the exhale is longer than the inhale, as this will send calming signals of safety throughout your body and help it know to direct energy towards digestion rather than fight-or-flight. It may sound 'woo woo,' but there have been study after study proving the efficacy of vagus nerve stimulation through deep breathing making for more effective digestion, and therefore more nutrient absorption (an inflamed environment won't allow for nutrient absorption, hence the weight loss).

      I didn't mean to write a novel, but I've been where you are and it's terrible, so I'm just sharing some of the things that I wish someone had shared and then hammered into me 3 years ago! Sending big hugs your way.


    • Rosh says

      @Max, Hi there, I’ve been scrolling the internet like a lunatic this morning given the sheer wretched state my digestive system is in!

      Been having symptoms since 2020 and then all exacerbated in 2021 post vaccine and long session under an mri scanner (that’s another story) but the bottom line is, having been given a gross misdiagnosis and spending all my day unable to work, walk around, do much of anything, while trying to mitigate chronic symptoms, several specialists later, all my amalgam fillings removed - I’ve just completed an elimination diet from allergist but it was mostly futile as so already knew I had developed histamine intolerance and yet the generic diet had lots of high histamine foods on it - which caused havoc.

      I’ve been doing the vagus nerve reset and it’s absolutely true that any gut issue and usually a deficiency in B1 all affect vagus nerve and vice versa.

      Allergist has tried to push me off to another specialist but I’m begging him for a daily diet that I can stick to for as long as it takes, with any necessary supplementation as that’s his area.

      Today I’m going to start fasting as usually do the IF but am so fed up with symptoms I’m going to try for a bit longer.

      If anyone has a decent anti histamine diet plan for a few weeks I could try that would be great - can’t contain oats or dairy or nuts or any foods that cross react as a result of pollen allergy (that’s new too!)

      Thank you!! 🙏🏼


      • Max says

        Oh, that's so miserable, and I can unfortunately relate on every level (your timeline is eerily similar to mine! I finally got on MCAS meds after the booster threw my immune system into a tailspin a little over a year or so ago (Feb '22)... 7 MRIs in one week, as they thought it might be MS, but was SEVERE inflammation that the neurologist, allergist, GP, cardiologist.... nobody knew what to tell me).

        I'm not a doctor, so this is not medical advice, but I did put together a 5-day low histamine diet plan that avoids all of those considerations except for the pollen allergy (please double-check on that). I developed it when I first started having the worst of my symptoms and hit my initial rock bottom in 2020, and I still stand by its effectiveness in the short term of a week or so (then add in foods you enjoy from the very low histamine section every other day, to ensure none of the new additions cause a reaction).

        Honestly I've found the internet to be more helpful on this topic than my docs, so much so that I started a Master's of Nutrition program last month and it's been amazing to learn the foundational aspects of nutrition in an organized fashion. So few docs are even familiar with non-allergy histamine issues, so I know how frustrating it is to try to get legitimately helpful info. I hope this gives you some more to go on, and some more parameters for you to feel confident rather than scared whenever you're eating. Vagus nerve exercises have been a boon for me, too! One of the biggest things that help me manage histamine issues are deep breathing exercises, for sure.


  3. Patricia Garner says

    I would say don’t use flax seeds. Some recent research suggests it is not suitable for a low histamine diet. I ate a very small amount once and could hardly move for two days, all my joints hurt.
    It may be an individual reaction but take caution.


    • Max says

      Definitely worth taking caution, but take any conclusive evidence drawn from a single study with a grain of salt, and above all, listen to your body. Definitely sounds like flax is a no for you!


  4. Kim says

    Flax bread? Isn’t flax a DAO inhibitor?


    • Max says

      No, flax doesn't cause any issues with DAO and is a wonderful source of antiinflammatory omega 3 fats and both fiber and protein.


  5. Jann says

    I bake a flax seed bread that is amazing. Plus it is gluten-free and low carb.
    It has blanched almond flour, organic Flaxseed meal, pastured Eggs, 100% monk fruit, baking powder, butter, (or coconut oil), and sea salt. Does that sound ok for low histamine?


    • lowhistamineeats says

      That sounds delicious, Jann! As long as you don't have issues with dairy, all of that is indeed low histamine.


    • Betty says

      @Jann, I would love to have your recipe!


    • Kat says


      Can you please forward me your recipe for your flaxseed bread that is amazing? 🙂 I’m having such a hard time figuring all this low histamine stuff out ever since I got the v-ccine.


    • Kat says



    • Danielle says

      @Jann, I would love your recipe for this bread as well!


    • jerry says

      @Jann, hi my name is Jerrynell , i came across your flax seed bread that is low histamine ,could you please send me the recipe. Thank You !!!


  6. Kay says

    Are Ezekiel breads low In histamine


    • lowhistamineeats says

      No, they're not, because they contain both wheat and soybeans (high in histamine).


Low Histamine Bread Options (Recipes & Brands) (2024)


Which bread has the least histamine in it? ›

White Bread is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. White Bread is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

Is pumpernickel bread low histamine? ›

The fermentation process involved in making pumpernickel bread may help reduce histamine levels, making it a potentially suitable choice for individuals with histamine sensitivity. It's worth noting that histamine sensitivity can vary among individuals, and what may cause symptoms in one person may not affect another.

Can you eat white bread on low histamine diet? ›

It's important to note that wheat flour, the main ingredient in white bread, does not contain histamines. However, some individuals with histamine intolerance may experience symptoms after consuming wheat products due to other factors such as gluten or other compounds present in wheat.

Are bagels low histamine? ›

And as it turns out, when you get all those flavors together, from sesame to chives, it makes a really tasty combo. But bagels aren't on the menu for those of us watching our histamine levels. Even ones made with gluten free flour or corn can cause reactions.

Is Dave's Killer bread high histamine? ›

Dave's Killer Bread Organic Thin-sliced 21 Whole Grains And Seeds Bread. This product has 13 ingredients that may be high histamine.

What bread does not cause inflammation? ›

Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet. The best sourdough and rye bread varieties to reduce gut inflammation are those made from whole grains.

Is homemade sourdough bread high in histamine? ›

Sourdough, a fermented bread, can be moderately high in histamine and other amines like tyramine. Every person has unique dietary triggers. Your reaction to sourdough may be different than someone else's. Test your individual tolerance to ingredients carefully and then keep track of them with the Fig app.

Can you eat peanut butter on a low histamine diet? ›

Low-histamine foods

Think "fresh." This list includes fresh meat or poultry, fresh fish, eggs, gluten-free grains, dairy substitutes, pure peanut butter (usually tolerated even if peanuts are not), fresh herbs, mango, pear, watermelon, apple, kiwi, cantaloupe, grapes, and cooking oils.

Is rye bread high in histamine? ›

Rye is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Rye is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

What is the best bread for histamines? ›

Some Brands To Try
  • Food For Life Gluten Free White Rice Bread – I would stay away from this brand's sprouted grain products if you are avoiding histamine. ...
  • Udi's sells several varieties of gluten free breads made with rice and tapioca flour.
  • Eban's Bakehouse sells some breads made with rice, oat and sorghum flour.

What foods flush out histamine? ›

Foods which are reported as having lower histamine levels include most fresh produce, fresh meat, certain fresh/frozen fish, eggs including quail eggs and most fresh herbs.

Are scrambled eggs low histamine? ›

Eggs are likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Egg yolks are low histamine, and egg whites, while traditionally thought of as being histamine liberators, are likely friendly for a low histamine diet as well. Traditionally. patients were thought to react better to cooked egg whites versus raw egg whites.

Is Philadelphia cream cheese low histamine? ›

Cream cheese is low histamine. Fresh dairy products like milk and butter are lower in histamine than aged products like aged cheese. Every person has unique dietary triggers. Your reaction to cream cheese may be different than someone else's.

Is coffee high in histamine? ›

Coffee is high in histamine which can set off what looks like an allergic reaction but it doesn't occur through the typical allergy mechanism. Instead, the histamine from the coffee causes an inflammatory reaction that can be quite severe in some people.

Are eggs bad for histamine? ›

Boiled, fried, or poached eggs aren't affected by cooking methods when it comes to histamine content. Eggs are low in histamines, this makes them ideal for the low-histamine diet. Chickpeas, peanuts, and lentils have been found to have low concentrations of histamines and may be safely consumed in a low-histamine diet.

Is sourdough bread low in histamine? ›

Sourdough, a fermented bread, can be moderately high in histamine and other amines like tyramine. Every person has unique dietary triggers.

Is oat bread high in histamine? ›

While oat flour contains some level of histamine, it is generally lower compared to certain other flours such as wheat flour. This makes it a potential option for individuals with histamine intolerance who are looking for alternative flours to incorporate into their diet.

Is oatmeal high or low in histamine? ›

Oats are typically considered a low histamine food, but be mindful of personal sensitivities. If you are coeliac, then be sure to use certified gluten free oats. Use toppings that are suitable for a low histamine diet.


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